NCUK Virtual Patient Handbook

Calcitonin - may be requested if your doctor suspects that you have Thyroid Cancer (MTC), especially if you or a family member has a his (genetic conditions that may increase the risk of the developing MTC Other thyroid tests, such as Free T4, Free T3, and TSH, may be norm Other potential tumour markers - are substances, usually protei tissue itself. Their detection and measurement in blood plasma, urine cancer, predict and monitor response to treatment and detect recurre Common tumour markers include CEA (may be raised in lung or bow (gynaecological cancers - eg cervical or ovarian) / PSA (prostate). Ho considered alongside your medical history, physical examination and be normal or raised in neuroendocrine cancer. Metanephrines are made when your body breaks down hormones ca of adrenal glands. Catecholamines help your body respond to stress, A blood test is preferred, but you may be asked to provide a 24hr urin NT-Pro-BNP - is a blood test to help diagnose and monitor heart fai screening for evidence of Hedinger Syndrome - more commonly refe valves of the heart. Blood serotonin test - may be used to check for serotonin-producin Fasting Gut Hormone Profile - to check the levels of certain horm asked not to eat or drink anything for a number of hours). It is primari Pancreas or Duodenum. However, it may be checked during diagnos scans/investigations. Catecholamines / Metanephrines - may be requested if your doc paraganglioma.

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