C22-24 Resource management C22 - Responsibly sourced materials for building works C23 - Waste management strategy for building materials
We require our construction contractors to produce an annual action plan identifying their current position, actions to be taken during the forthcoming year and targets covering the following areas: • Produce an annual review of the contractor’s environmental policies, impact assessment and progress against targets • Direct CO2 emissions from their owned and controlled sources • Responsible sourcing of materials • Management and minimisation of waste streams • Management and mitigation of other pollutants, from activities and products. We currently exclude certain building materials and do not yet have an overarching strategy for waste management. We are reviewing this as part of our implementation plans for the new sustainability strategy.
Waste and Recycling At our existing locations, where we use the local council’s waste services, residents are encouraged to use their local recycling services and location managers help residents to understand the recycling rules locally. Where Anchor procures the waste services, including for our care homes, our contractor diverts the vast majority of waste away from landfill. In 2022-23 87% of this waste was incinerated, 9% was recycled and 3% was organic waste used for composting.
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