A Guide to Health & Safety for Union Representatives


Employer Penalties

Failure to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act can result in significant legal and financial repercussions for employers. This can include heavy fines and, in the most serious cases, imprisonment.

Criminal Liability

In severe cases, criminal charges may be brought against employers or individuals who negligently breach safety regulations, leading to workplace injuries or fatalities.

Filing Claims

Where an employer’s negligence has caused a member injury, Thompsons Solicitors can guide you and the members you represent through the process of a compensation claim. As lawyers representing union members, our job is to handle claims efficiently and secure maximum compensation quickly for injured workers.

Legal Representation

In wider health and safety disputes, Thompsons Solicitors has extensive experience bringing challenges under the HSWA to protect members' rights and interests. Members should be encouraged to contact the union’s legal services or go directly to the union pages on Thompsons Solicitors’ website to ensure they receive their full compensation. Other firms can take up to 25% of the compensation awarded in personal injury cases to union members to cover legal costs. This usually does not apply if the member receives legal advice through their union membership.

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