King's Business - 1923-03


THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S believers; the personality of Satan'; the eternal punishment of unbelievers; the two resurrections—one of believers and one of unbelievers,—are all found in this Gospel of John. There is not one thing lacking for the sinner or for the saint. ' The way of salvation is made plain; the assurance of salvation is made definite;- the need of the believer is supplied; the eternal blessedness of the believer is affirmed. Now if the Gospel of John is not authentic, it is the most infamous error ever edited and published, and the records contained in it concerning the statements of Jesus are the most blasphemous ever uttered, and the church has been buncoed for centimes. If it is God’s Word and true, then the men who lay their unholy hands upon it and discredit it are worthy of the condemnation of God .and the contempt of all people, for they would rob. thè church and the world of the greatest single piece of literature ever, given to man. You can read it through in ninety minutes. You could study it for ninety years and still find it fresh, inspiring and instructive. Read it. Study it, Believe it. Live it. Put it to the test. It works ! —T. C. H. A CONTRAST AND A COMPARISON The Sunday School Times has been making a survey of the Sunday Schools of the United States and has found nine schools with an enrollment exceeding 2500 each, as follows: Your attention is called to the fact that these schools all stand four­ square for the whole Word of God, and we also call your attention to the fact that all of them are “ poor, pessimistic, premillennial schools.” There is something worth considering in this fact inasmuch as some of' the dear brethren charge the premillennialists with being star-gazers instead of soul-savers. There is food for thought here for .the Modernists. The churches with which these schools are connected are Bible churches and are a proof of our Lord’s own statement: “ And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me. ’’' We can heartily challenge any church or Sunday school in the country having a Modernist pastor to a comparison with these which we have named. In the Sunday School of the Church of the Open Door, of Los Angeles, there are now over eight thousand enrolled,—officers, teachers and scholars in all departments. The story of this school will be published ‘soon as an incentive to other churches and sehools-Mvhether they be old or young, whether they be large or small—to do business for God. —T. C. H. F irst Baptist Church, F t. Worth, T exas............................. 6200 Church of Open Door, Los Angeles, C a l . . . ................... .. 5358 F irs t Christian, Canton, Ohio.................................................... 5000 Bast Calvary M. E. (Col.) Philadelphia. ............ .................. -3734 F irst Church, United B rethren, Canton, O h i o . . . . . . . . . 350-9 F irs t Presbyterian, Seattle, W ash.......................................... 3550 F irs t Christian, Long Beach, C al........................................; . 3454 Moody Church, Chicago, 111...................................................... 3124 Bethany P resbyterian, P h ilad elph ia.................. 2569

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