King's Business - 1923-03

234 T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S “The shocking magnitude of th e waves of crime now sweeping America chal­ lenges th e churches to every form of effort to redeem and reform th e vast un­ reached population of our country. There is every patriotic, moral, social and reform reason for im portunate prayer for Pentecost today. America has gone amusement-mad, dance-crazy. The colleges, Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., socials in Methodist homes, lodges, American Legion, and every form of gathering, have th e ir dances in scantiest female a ttire and modern lascivious form. H igh schools! and even gramm ar schools have become dance parlors, making so much of it th e girls ta lk abou t it incessantly, as if no other work were for th em so im portant. Christian paren ts should unite and stop the public school dance.” Having used the Methodists in our illustration, we recall something that John Wesley ’s mother wrote to him when he was in college. We com­ mend it to the Methodists and to all others: “Would you judge of th e lawfulness of a pleasure, ta k e th is rule. W hatever weakens your reason, impairs th e tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God'or takes away th e relish for sp iritual things, whatever increases the au tho rity of your body over your mind, THAT THING IS SIN.” iv-K. L. B. AN HONEST CONFESSION For fifteen years the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has had the smile of God’s approval and His richest blessing. Every department of our work has developed in the most natural and logical manner so that in this country and in China we have established a work unique in character, and one which never fails to command interest and commendation from those who investi­ gate it. ,In our Institute classes here—including those in our Correspondence School—we have approximately 2,500 students, and in the Institute- work in Hunan Province, China, we have 247, making 2,747 in all under instruc­ tion, most of them doing some practical Christian work. Our evangelistic enterprises reach Jews, Shop Men, Sailors, Mexicans, and, in fact, thousands of men and women of all classes, everywhere. Through our Book Boom and The King’s Business magazine We are reaching more than #a hundred thousand people. We have outgrown our splendid quarters and are in need of new buildings, but we are handicapped in securing the necessary funds by reason of the false impression which has been broadcasted by some denominational papers and through other sources that we have millionaires behind us. We should be glad were this so, for we could use an abundance of funds, but this impression is without any foundation in fact. We are abso­ lutely dependent upon the gifts of those upon whose hearts the Lord shall lay our work. We make this frank confession and do not hesitate to say that we need your prayers, and your financial help. We covet your personal investigation of our work and our resources, and will be glad to spnd you literature giving full particulars. _____________ —T. C. H.

FORM O F B E Q U E S T TO TH E BIBLE IN STITU TE I give and bequeath to Bible Institute of Los Angeles, incorporated under the laws of the State of California .„A.................. .— ...JDollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute of Los Angeles shall be sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises.

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