King's Business - 1923-03








Subtract th e age of David when he began to reign. Multiply by th e number of stones David had in his scrip when he went fo rth to meet Goliath. Add the number th a t was saved in the Ark. Subtract th e number of Angels Mary saw a t th e Sepulchre where Christ was buried, according to th e Gospel of John. Add th e number of Deacons chosen by the early Church. Subtract th e number of Mites th e poor Widow threw into th e treasury. Divide by th e number of Devils th a t went out of Mary Magdalene. Take th e number thu s found fo r the corresponding verse in Matt, xi, and in th is verse you will find something th a t we all long for and th a t Jesus alone can give. The man who fell asleep a sectarian and awoke a cosmopolitan— Acts 10: 9-22. The shortest biography ever w ritten —Acts 10:38. “Whosoever”— th e first tim e in Acts — 10:43. When P eter had a sermon cu t short by th e Holy Spirit—Acts 10:44. The Gentile Pentecost—Acts 10. The first missionaries, to. th e heathen E - la y Christians—Acts 11:20. Persecution, th e mother of evangel­ ism—Acts l i e 19. The b irth of th e name “C hristian”— Acts 11:26. The formula for giving to the Lord’s work—Acts 11:29. Lk. 2:14, “On earth peace, good will toward men,” is literally, “ Peace to men of good w ill.” Cf. Rom. 6:1.

SOMETHING'WE ALL WANT T. E . Cramer, Burbank, California Take th e number converted a t P en te­ cost. Divide by the number of years Enoch walked w ith G od.' Multiply th is by th e number of Books in the Old Testament. Add to this th e height of the gallows, in cubits, Haman had made to hang Mordecai on. Subtract the number of days Jesus was tempted in th e W ilderness. Add th e number of Children two she- bears killed. Multiply by the number of persons recorded in th e Old Testament th a t went to Heaven w ithout dying. Divide by the number of times God called Samuel when he was a lad. Subtract th e number of Books in th e New Testament. Add the num ber of stones th e Com­ mandments were w ritten on. Subtract th e number of years the Chil­ dren of Israel were in captivity. Multiply by th e number of parts into which Palestine is divided. Subtract the number of men fed by twenty loaves of bread. Add the number of daughters Jacob had. Divide by the number of times Peter denied his Master. Subtract the age of Jesus when he began his Public m inistry. Multiply by th e number of persons recorded th a t Jesus raised from the dead. Add the age of Jesus when in His boyhood He went to the feast of the Passover. Divide by the number of days and nights Jonah was in the whale’s belly.

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