King's Business - 1923-03

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Geologists are willing to adm it th a t more th an one upheaval may have taken place. We tu rn again to th e Bible and find the historic record of such an upheaval in th e ’ sixth and seventh chapters of Genesis, when “the fountains of the g reat deep were broken up,” the w aters covered th e highest mountains and all animal life was destroyed except th a t Which was preserved in an ark specially built for the purpose. We are tre ­ mendously interested by the fact th a t all geologists of note, who wrote before A. D. 1830, believed th a t present geolog­ ical conditions can be explained by this biblical record of th e Noachian Deluge. As I have read the geological literatu re of the past fifty years, I have turned to the Bible w ith th e confirmed conviction th a t it is the most reliable, up-to-date text book on geology th a t is now before the public. All geological phenomena can be more reasonably explained in the light of the Bible th an of any other book in existence. Biologists adm it th ree things: (1) That science cannot explain th e origin of m atter and life. (2) T h at life comes only from antecedent life. (3) That one species has never been known to evolve into another species. Such a claim can be based only upon what is imagined to have taken place before the historic period. When we look into the Bible, we find th a t God is revealed as the au tho r of both m atter and life. We find also th a t every species is reproduced “afte r its kind.” The biology of the Bible thus harmonizes w ith the known facts of sci­ ence and contradicts only the vagaries of speculative scientists. We have, therefore, the rig h t to claim th a t the Bible is an up-to-date text-book on biology. In th e Bible is revealed, not only the origin of m atter and life, but of th e Sabbath, of marriage, of the State, of civilization, of sin and of crime. Since philosophy is “ th e science which

239 investigates the causes of all phenom­ ena,” and the Bible reveals most clearly and au tho ritatively these causes, the Bible is the most reliable text-book on philosophy. As a text-book on theology, on ancient history, on astronomy, on geology, on biology and on philosophy, the Bible is worthy of a place in our schools. When all o ther books were teaching erro r about Arioch and Sargori, the Bible was rig h t; when all th e world was wrong in its thoughts about th e earth and the air, th e Bible was righ t; and today the proof th a t the Bible is the in erran t Word of God is immensely stronger th an the proof in favor of any theory of geology, biology or philosophy th a t con­ trad icts the Bible, while th e geology, biology and philosophy of the Bible are in harmony w ith all the facts of n atu re about us, history behind us and sound reasoning w ithin us. Those who really know the Bible and the facts of history, astronomy, geology, biology and phi­ losophy must be convinced th a t to ex­ clude the Bible from our schools is to keep from the young people of th is gen­ eration knowledge which they have a righ t to possess. Our th ird obligation is to give to world evangelization th e place it de­ serves. We have a universal Christ in th a t He is ju st th e Savior th a t every creature needs, and a universal Bible in th a t it has a message to every crea­ ture. It is fitting th a t we should carry such a Christ and such a Bible to the u tterm o st p art of th e earth. Our Mas­ te r is expecting us to do it. Let us not disappoint Him. GOOD ONE ON THE BURGLAR We have ju st read about a m inister’s wife waking h er husband w ith the dread news th a t th ere was a bu rg lar in the house. The preacher m uttered sleepily as he relapsed into unconsciousness: “Well; let him find out his m istake for him self.”


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