King's Business - 1923-03

Common Sense from a Japanese Boy What They Think About “Missionaries” Who Come to Them With an Empty Gospel


following h eart message l a young Japanese Chris- has a tru e ring concern- th e Gospel message in

Holy Spirit is the witness. Whenever I read the K ing’s Business, I can’t help but pray in thanksgiving to Him th a t th ere is such a strong voice in America, whence the most p art of th e Christian Work in th is country comes. Please make your voice loud and do lead the Christian faith of America, cooperating w ith th e Moody Bible In stitu te. I have been also reading Moody Monthly and seeing such two big and strong in stitu ­ tions, crying out His voice, His warning, I feel sure God will fight th e battle H imself and win it a t last; fo r none can be His enemy. Glory be unto Him! I have ju st been reading the King’s Business of September and impressed so much w ith your editorials: “W hat of America,” “A‘ Sign of the Times,” es­ pecially w ith “The Inevitable.” America has done an immense good to this Empire, for which I am heartily thankful. She is the only nation, at present, which can be and ought to be th e leader in everything; in science, in financial realm,. in thoughts, and in faith , which is the most im po rtan t of all things, as others are led from faith. There seems to be about 800 mission­ aries;* of whom, perhaps, more than th ree-fou rth s are from America, for which I don’t know how to express my thankfulness. Though th ere are yet only less than 200,000 (though I am not sure) Chris­ tians in Japan (excepting Chosen or Korea) y et th e Christian influence has been so g reat and this we owe fo r the most p art to your country. There is an universal un rest in th is country in every direction and seeking earnestly for something th a t can give them rest and

Japan and every other foreign field. This young man has a keen sense of the folly and failure of any attem p t to exploit Christianity in any other way th an through the in e rran t Word of God. We rejoice in converts w ith th is spirit and are giving his le tte r to our readers in the hope th a t it will awaken them to the necessity for the church to devote itself to the definite business which was committed to it— not only on th e foreign field, bu t in our own land. Tokyo, Japan. To the Editor in Chief, Rev. T. C. Horton, Dear Sirs: Though a young boy, having much in te rest in Christianizing this Island Country, I dare to w rite th is poor letter in my poor English. I have been read­ ing and enjoying several of your K ing’s Business, and pray th a t God will bless your work for Him. I was only con­ verted two years ago, so I have very little experience and knowledge about Christian faith and th e Bible, yet Christ’s love was abundantly understood during these two years. “This is a faith fu l saying and worthy of all acceptance, th a t Christ came into th is world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.” I am glad th a t the K ing’s Business is faithful to Him and crying loudly for the Fundamentals. It is tru ly God’s Voice to every one and so has power, while the Modernist cry, though often beautiful, has no power a t all. The

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