King's Business - 1923-03

K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S THE th ink th a t pleasure hunting is consis­ te n t w ith His faith ; th a t God loves danc­ ing; th a t God teaches money-loving; then th e Christians of this country will th ink th e same; for they have been learning from you and will do so here­ after. God bless your country and mine and especially the m issionaries who have been en tru sted w ith Thy business! Buddhism is startin g much activity recently in Japan. If Christian faith does not preach repentance, Christ the Son of God, His. resurrection and coming again in body; then what is the Power of Christianity? There are thousands of fine people full of love and sympathy among Buddhist believers. God must win! Christ must win! Let us fight it out,' His Name must be glorified. He will win! He will be victorious! I havè been reading Mr. B ryan’s “ In His Image.” God bless him! God must win. His Words are true. He must be proved tru e and will be. He is Al­ mighty. Let us pray! I will. Sincerely yours, A Japanese Christian Boy. P. S. Please excuse my poor hand­ writing and impoliteness if you feel so. W rote this le tte r to let you know th a t there is here a Japanese boy earnestly praying for your work and His business.

His Second Coming in His physical body; eternal hope and life,—r-these and these alone must be brought into th is country. “Having-just-a-good-time” religion; “pleasure-adm iring” faith ; “ education- and-culture-adm iring” faith ; “money- will - do - everything” faith ; “luxury­ teaching” faith,—-these must not enter th is country, if th is country is to be tru ly won for Christ, our Saviour. Chris­ tianity will produce education, culture and money as its fru its, but these are not the essentials of it. Christian work should be started be­ cause the worker loves God and because he loves the souls which can be saved through repentance to our Lord, not because he feels pity for th e poor finan­ cial condition, labor condition, or even for darkness. Sin! sin! sin! whether rich or poor, white, yellow, red or brown or black. There is no difference in sin. Sin is sin. We are learning sp iritu al things from your people. We are th ank fu l for your nation. But you have great responsi­ bility. It concerns His Name! His Holy Name! God bless your Country and nation! Make Thy Voice through Fundam entals louder and louder! Everything good or bad is coming from your country. If your Christians

The Missionary’s Hen

An Interesting Letter from a Native India Preacher

fairly well. N aturally he is b etter in speaking th a n w riting, bu t I th ink you will be able to understand his letter. He is an ard en t Bible stud en t and is hun ­ gry fo r anything he can get hold of th a t will help him understand his Bible. I wish you could see his Bible— his Eng­ lish copy and his Telugu Bible. They are both so marked up th a t I -am afraid he will have to have new ones before long. I love to hear him preach— he A TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT,

LIZABETH DEYOUNG, of the Ceylon and India General Mis­ sion, has forwarded to us a letter, w ritten hy one of their

native workers, th a t tells the story of w hat it means to m issionaries to get the message of The K ing’s Business from month to month. Miss DeYoung says of th e w riter: “This man has had a good education, so is able to read and speak English

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