King's Business - 1923-03

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rupees) by six annas. I have bought a hen for 6 (six) annas and have fostered it. She has brought me 8 (eight) chick­ ens. K its tried many times to steal them , as she does not know those are His who is above her in heaven. “ One of them is presented in harvest festival of last September. I have sold the re st fo r one dollar. Here I am en­ closing a dollar for th e use of His work. I hope you are kind enough to accept my donation, who is a poor Indian. I am recollecting you all and the work in my weekly Saturday prayers. “You are glad to hear my hen is now second tim e w ith 5 (five) Ephickens. The above means taugh t me and streng th ­ ened me to believe more in His prom ­ ises (1 John 5 :14 ; Phil. 4:19, etc.) and am dare to say the one dollar is more th a n tenfolds to the principal. “I am bold enough to say your mag­ azine is my Bible sem inary book. I don’t w ant to lose your magazine any more because my sem inary staff are kind enough to teach. “Staff: God is my Principal, Jesus is my Head Master, Holy Ghost is my In ­ structor. “I am only one Christian (w ith fam ily) in this te rrito ry of 26 villages. I am anxiously waiting to hear the reply. “We wish you many more years of useful service for th e church of Christ in this land. “Yours obediently, “P. ISAAC RALIEGH.”

never preaches except from an open Bible and he has Scripture verses a t his tongue’s end for any argum ent people may give to him. I th ink it is. rem ark ­ able, considering the fact th a t he was only really converted about two years ago. Ju s t now he gets no ouside sp irit­ ual help except when I go out to spend a week-end, about once a month, o r one of thè other m issionaries from th is station, and th is will explain how much your magazine means to him. The la st time I was out there, he showed me th e hen he had bought to earn th e money he wanted to send to you. W ith a salary of only about $6 per month, you can readily realize th a t he could not afford such extras as American dollars ou t of that, and this is why he bought th e hen. “ I thought you m ight be interested in this little b it of explanation.” The letter, which follows, ought to touch th e h eart of many a Christian in the homeland and cause them to have more though t for the m issionaries who do not have the advantages of much good lite ra tu re such as we may have here. “Dear Rev. T. C. Horton: “ I am receiving your monthly maga­ zine w ithout missing a month, though I am tran sferred to an out station 8 miles to th e station. “Though it is hard in my p a rt to show my g ratitude by money means, as I am working in faith mission, our mighty F a th e r has showed and inspired me to earn th is dollar (As 3-4-0 or same

THE SOBBING OF A THOUSAND MILLION of poor heathen sounds in m y ear, and moves my h e a rt; and I try to measure, as God helps me, something of th e ir darkness, something of th eir blank misery, something of th e ir despair. Oh, th in k of these needs! I say again, they are ocean-depths; and, beloved, in my Master’s name, I w ant you to measure them , I w ant you to th in k earnestly about them , I want you to look a t them , un til they appall you, un til you cannot sleep, until you cannot criticise. —Rev. Chas. Inwood.

(See Page 261)

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