King's Business - 1923-03

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S tion a t A llahabad,” says Sam Higgin- bottom. “He-could hear the w ater ru n ­ ning in a drinking fountain, and for three days he lay crying fo r a drink, and of all the thousands th a t passed by, there was not one who heeded. Finally a Mohammedan policeman came and told me. One of my helpers got him onto a hand car and over to th e leper asylum, where we did our best for him ; bu t he lived only a short tim e.” F rom Ido latry to Atheism Idolatry is passing in China but in many instances Christianity is not taking its place. “China’s Millions” says: “The Chinese have looked out on our W estern world, and begin to th ink th a t if they can have our W estern inventions and knowledge and education, every­ thing will be all rig h t; and some of them have tu rn ed to these things, and in doing so, have tu rned away from all desire for any god whatever. So there are in China today a growing number of godless homes. They will .tell you proudly: ‘Yes, my husband belongs to th e No-God Society, we are enlightened people. We understand th a t men and women are on an equality. We under­ stand freedom and marriage. Every­ thing is changed. We are. enlightened. We belong to the No-God Society.’ Un­ less we give the people a knowledge of Jesus Christ the Saviour and the .Satis- fier, these homes will increase more and more rapidly. A theistic literatu re from Jap an and other countries is making its way into new China.” . KOREAN CHRISTIANS There has been much of favorable comment on the splendid type of Chris­ tians to be found among th e Korean con­ verts. J u st now there seems to be a deep sp iritual movement on in the Ko­ rean Church. A m issionary correspon­ dent of The Sunday School Times a t­ tribu tes much of the success of th a t movement to the following causes: “F irst. The Korean Christians have

253 literally devoured the Word of God. They commit great sections of it and will pu t Christians in America to shame by th e ir intelligent use of Scripture passages. “Second. They depend m ightily on prayer. Their early morning prayer- meetings are often as early as 2 a. m., — and what crowds gather, ‘and how they pray! “Third. As soon as they are con­ verted they are told to go and win a t least one other soul to Christ before they will be accepted into church mem­ bership. “F ou rth . They have been ta u g h t to give un til it hu rts, b u t they love to feel the h u rt of giving. “F ifth . Feeling th a t th is old world wiil never be rig h t un til He comes to reign whose rig h t it is to rule, they spread th e news of the ‘Blessed Hope,’ and, expecting'H is speedy retu rn , they w ant to be found busy when He comes.” GREECE AND PROPHECY Rev.-Charles J. W aehlte w rites: “Bet us not th ink of Greece as powerless be­ cause she has been reduced to a small people again. It cannot be otherwise. If Greece would rise to world power ju st now, then the Beast would already be here. The Word says, “He shall come up. and shall become strong w ith a SMALL people.” Dan. 11:23. Notice, it does not say Greece shall become strong “ before” the'B east comes. Greece will remain a “sm all” people UNTIL the Beast comes. Greece cannot perm a­ nently expand un til the Beast comes, be­ cause he STARTS his victorious conquest of th e east w ith a “small people.” Re­ member, then, if this interp retation is right, Greece must remain “ sm all” until the Beast comes to make her “strong .” The present fall of Greece may be simply a m atter of th e Spirit of God hindering the rise of Greece, un til the Spirit be taken out of th e way. “Then shall th a t WICKED be revealed.” 2 Thess. 2:7-8.

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