King's Business - 1923-03


UR readers will enjoy the fol­ lowing from Mr. Chester R u t­ ledge who, w ith Mrs. R u t­ ledge, retu rn ed to th e Chang­

h ea r the studen ts give th e ir testimonies and tell of th e ir experiences in leading men to Christ. The students are divided into bands which go out th ree times a week for personal work in the homes of the people. One man told of going into a home and being refused adm ittance, the head of th e home saying he did not want any “Gospel h a ll” people in his house. The men asked him how he knew they were “ Gospel h all” people. “Oh,” he said, “ I knew by the books you are carrying th a t you are from th e Gospel h all.” (May I say ju st here th a t th is is a good illu stration of th e testimony our students give as they go to and from th eir work both in and out of the city. No one will ever know th e lives th a t have been touched by th is small, yet effective, w itnessing for th e Gospel.) The men replied: “Have you ever known any of our ‘Gospel h all’ people doing bad things, in ju ring people or living un­ clean lives?” “No,” said the old gentle­ man, “ I have not.” “Well, then, if you cannot point out one bad th ing we have done, is it fair to condemn us and refuse to listen to us ju st because we are ‘Gospel h all’ people?” “No, it certainly does no t seem fair,” replied the old man. He then gave them a very cordial invi­ tation to come into his home, and lis­ tened w ith intense in terest to the Gos­ pel message they presented to him. This illu strates the hum ility, grace and tact th a t needs to be employed in this house to house work, and also shows how th e Holy Spirit can use this quality to open h ith erto closed doors. Another band reported th a t they called on a man who was between sixty and seventy years of age, and although he had been living in th is g reat city,

sha work last fa ll: “We are indeed glad to he back in China, and settled in our work at last. A fter a pleasant voyage, we arrived in Changsha on the afternoon of Novem­ ber 16th, and were welcomed a t the station by our co-workers, Mrs. Keller and Rev. and Mrs. Steven. “Upon entering the compound of the Hunan Bible In stitu te, we marvelled at the wonderful progress th a t has been made since we were h ere a year ago. At th a t time, there were only two build­ ings, th e residences of Dr. K eller and Mr. M. K .' Hsiao. Now, on the left as we enter, we see two dorm itory build­ ings, built of red brick, and in such a way th a t each man has an outside room. On the right, is ano ther dorm itory build­ ing of the same kind, fo r the women’s departm ent of the school. How our h earts rejoiced as we saw these splendid young people busy about th e ir work, and during th e ir recreation periods out playing ball as our students do a t home. As I walked across the compound last night and saw a stream of ligh t pouring from each window, and realized th a t under each ligh t th ere was a young man or Woman studying God’s Word, I thought how pleased o u r Lord must be as He looks down on such a lighthouse in th is dark land. In many respects, the work here closely resembles th a t of the parent school in Los Angeles. R epo rt Meeting A report meeting is held each S atu r­ day evening. It was most inspiring to


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