SHIPPING SCRIPTURES AND BOOKS DOWN RIVER TO BIOLA BANDS had never been in a church, and had never heard th e Gospel. The message stirred him deeply, and he consented to go w ith them to the nearest church on th e following Sunday. The two men went to his home on Sunday morning and escorted him to church, made an appointm ent for the following Sunday, and now th is aged man, so n ear the end of his earth ly pilgrimage, has declared his faith in Christ for personal salva tion. Think if you can, dear friends, of this man, over sixty years of age, find ing Christ, a Saviour of whom he had never heard except in term s of ridicule un til two of our students went to his home, ju st a little over two weeks ago! This shows th e need and advantage of personal evangelism not only in far away country places, but also in great cities like Changsha. I t also illustrates the method of our follow-up work, and the rich resu lts of God’s blessing upon it. Our studen ts and evangelists are not satisfied w ith merely calling on a man and telling him in a mechanical way the story of the Gospel, but are real, enthusiastic fishers of men. S treet Chapel It was my privilege to visit our new, street chapel last' week, and I received a real blessing as I listened to one of our senior studen ts present the Gospel mes sage in a most appealing m anner to about forty men who had come in from the street. Some were men who had been th ere a number of times before, and who were continuing to come in order th a t they m ight know more about the Gospel. This work was opened less th an two months ago, and already th irty men have declared th e ir faith in Jesus Christ, and have asked for a Bible class in order th a t they may learn more of the unsearchable riches of Christ. A fter th e evangelistic message, we met w ith the workers and inqu irers in a small room in th e rear of th e mission for a brief Bible study and fu rth e r in struction for the young Christians. Will you not pray th a t ‘ the Holy Spirit will lead these splendid young students, and help them to so present the Gospel th a t many more precious souls may be tu rn ed from darkness unto light? Sincerely yours in Christ, CHESTER RUTLEDGE. 2052 CONVERSIONS and 25 CHURCHES ORGANIZED
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