King's Business - 1923-03

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


w ith one of our boys afte r him , bu t he wouldn’t give in so our boy left him w ith a prayer following th e spoken word. In a few m inutes the man retu rn ed , and pressing close to the late speaker, said, “Say, I ’ve been listening to you and w ant to ask you, how did you get th a t power to give up the life, th e booze, and all th a t goes w ith th e gam e?’’ Opening his Testam ent to John 1:12, he asked the in q u irer to read it, and over and over again had him read it aloud, then pressed upon him the neces­ sity of closing in immediately w ith God’s offer of salvation. “Oh,” said he, “ I’ve got to .think it over first; I need tim e.” (Turning to 2 Cor. 6:2, th e speaker had him read th a t, backing it w ith convinc­ ing illustrations, and again he pressed Christ upon him. This tim e th e hand shot out; there- was a strong grip. “Well, I ’ve done it.” • “When did you do it? ” “This very m inute.” They dropped to th e ir knees and when the inquirer got up th ere was th a t indescrib­ able look or ligh t on his face, which set th e joy bells ringing in th e h earts of both men. B u rg lar B om Again Another rem arkable case was th a t of a young man ju st about to pull off a house-breaking stu n t w ith some of his

buddies. The others went into a shop to buy some cigarettes while he stood on the curb. H earing th e sound of singing he d rifted down th e stree t listen­ ing to an old Gospel song sung by a band of mission workers. T h at song reached his h ea rt; he was invited inside and th a t night God spoke so clearly th a t soon he was down on his knees w ith a real cry of joy as God m et him and Jesus came into his heart. His pals were caught, convicted and sentenced to six years while he, a free man in the tru est sense, has gone on his way rejoicing, looking w ith expectant eyes to entering the Bible In stitu te and giving his life for service. Following th is was ano ther man whom several years ago we used to run across on our way to the shop meetings. He was a most unlikely subject as we watched him flag the train s from his little h u t close to the railroad .' The mice ate out of his lunch pail, and both man and place were unsightly. He ap­ peared so dull th a t many times we were ready to give him up as a hopeless case, but afte r all these years he came into Biola H all w ith a good clear testimony and a transform ed external appearance, and told us he was arrang ing to open a Gospel mission in a nearby town. Is th ere anything too h ard for God to do? converts to grow in th e ir Christian life. Occasionally some drop out of these groups, eith er because they have moved or on account of th e ir work, bu t new ones entering the group make up for those who leave us. Bible Study Groups The Bible Study groups are a source of joy and encouragement to the .worker, for it gives us an opportunity to see something tangible th a t is being accom­ plished. We are hoping and praying th a t out from these groups God will call some of these young men who will be­ com e helpers together w ith us in reach­ ing th e Mexicans, and, in th is connec­ tion, would solicit among th e readers of th is article some prayer-helpers to this end. It may not be am iss to let you in on a vision which th e Lord has given us in regard to th is work among the Mexicans, which is th a t He would raise up th ree or four young men who would consecrate th e ir lives to th e Lord and

SPANISH WORK Robert H . Bonder, Supt. — Goap el M ee tings a n d H o u se to H ouee W ork am ong 50, 000 Mexicans in L os A ngel es a n d V ic init y.

“L ord, th o u w ilt o rd ain peace fo r u s; for th o u also h a s t w ro u g h t all our w orks in u s."

S we look back upon the year th a t is draw ing to a close, we cannot bu t exclaim w ith praise and g ratitude, “W hat h ath

God w rought! It is wonderful to our eyes. Glory and praise we ascribe to H im who has w rought all our works in us and it is only God th a t worketh in us both to will and to do of His own good pleasure.” The re­ sults during the past year have been fa r beyond all th a t we could ask or th ink . No doubt “The K ing’s Business” readers have noticed, from month to month, our reports of the souls born in to the kingdom. While it is diffi­ cu lt to gath er all of the converts into Bible study groups because of th eir roam ing disposition, we praise God th a t we have been able to form several groups w ith whom we are having sys­ tematic Bible study, which helps the

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