King's Business - 1923-03



up to help us in this great work. Over eighteen meetings a week were held last term, the students going to the different shops and car barns to lead the meetings and do the speaking. We hope to have more than th a t th is next term. Pray th a t God will save many for Himself. Only today a man, who had heard the Gospel preached, five months ago at one of the shops, came into the office and

said, “I want to talk to you.” We found him under deep conviction and although a professing Christian and a member of a prominent church here in the city, he was like the young ruler; he lacked one thing. This we presented to him and we are praying th at God will touch his h eart and save him. P ray for us th at He might use us, these coming days. This is our work, may wè be faithful ’til He comes.

WORK AMONG THE JEWS Jam e s A. V aus, S upt.—Bible C lasses a n d P ersonal W ork, S treet M eetings a n d Sem i-M onthly M ass M eetings to r Jew s of Los A ngeles.

WO Jew ish men found th e ir way in to the L ibrary of the In stitu te and while th ere made inquiry of the attend an t,

W ithout his knowing about- it, the d aughter of one of these men was also deeply in terested , in Christianity and was attend ing th e same Bible class. She did not know of h er fath e r’s in terest un til afte r she had herself professed conversion, n eith er did her fath e r know she was in te re ste d .. Both in' fear of relatives were making a secret of th eir in terest in and attendance upon our Jew ish meetings. For some time afterw ards one of these men (not th e fath e r already mentioned) continued to a tten d th e Jew ish Bible Class where his in terest in Christianity grew as tim e went on. Eventually he became w hat we call a secret believer, bu t no am ount of reasoning or argum ent would prevail to persuade him to confess faith in ,th e Lord Jesus as his Messiah. He was made a special object of prayer and months afterw ard, like Nicodemus of old, he came by night to learn the way of life. Another long conversation ensued and when he left he took w ith him a little Gospel of John in Yiddish, which he afterw ards told me he read un til about m idnight. The next day he came again and on being once more urged to settle th e G reat Question he received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. The earnest prayers of God’s people are now requested fo r the other man, the fath er of the young convert.

(who, providentially, was especially in­ terested in 'Jew is h Evangelism ) fo r an Old Testam ent in Yiddish and English or Hebrew and English. Not content w ith directing them how and where to find th e superintendent of th e Jew ish departm ent, she brought them in person to the office of the w riter, asking th a t they be supplied w ith an Old Testam ent in Yiddish and English. Their request gave opportunity for a lengthy conversation based on Old Tes­ tam en t prophecies and th e ir fulfillment and when they left it was w ith the ex­ pressed intention of attending our Jew ­ ish Bible Class the following Tuesday evening. At the appointed tim e both men -were present and fo r th e ir especial benefit th a t night a Gospel message and a number of Hebrew -Christian testim o­ nies were given in Yiddish. Both men were more impressed than they would a t th a t tim e adm it but fear of persecution and ostracism restrained them from making any acknowledgment of th e ir convictions. God’s P ecu liar Providences One of God’s peculiar providences came to our atten tion abou t th is time.


É k É k BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M r« . L ym an S tew art, S u p t.— Tw enty-f ive W om en Giv in g F ull T im e to Houae W ork. Bibl e C la sa es , a n d Sou l W in nin g Clu ba. É è

to H ouae P eraonal

HE entrance of thy words giv- eth ligh t.” Here are two il­ lu stration s of how God’s Word obtained the victory. One woman came into our Bible class filled

w ith unbelief because of what she was ta u g h t in the church to which she be­ longed,— only parts of the Bible were inspired, th e personality of Satan was denied, salvation by works was preached, th e resurrection of the body was not

FOOD FOR THOUGHT. (See Page 261)

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