King's Business - 1923-03

266 tru e, etc. She soon brought h er Bible w ith h er. The Book of Romans was being taugh t. 2 Tim. 3:16 and sim ilar texts were memorized before th e study of the Book began. Then th e doctrines of Romans— Sin, Salvation, etc., were opened up week afte r week. Slowly bu t surely God began His work un til finally one day she came to the Bible teacher and said she would not stay in th a t atmosphere of unbelief longer. She united w ith a little church in one of the suburbs, and today she is by fa r the strongest Christian woman in every way in th a t community. She teaches a class of girls, th e same lesson she receives in h er Bible class. She visits the poor, prays w ith the dying and goes into th e homes of th e people carrying th e mes­ sage to lost women. Seeking fo r R est Another woman found her way to a Bible class. She too was filled w ith prejudices because of m isrepresentations and falsehoods th a t h ad been told h er about th e teacher. The Book of Mat­ thew was being taugh t. She listened from Sunday to Sunday and soon dis­ covered th a t a certain woman who had been in Christian Science was wonder­ fully saved; then she noticed th a t a t the close of the lesson th e teacher was praying in a little side room w ith some burdened women. She saw th e ir faces all aglow when prayer was over and knew the Lord had spoken. She talked w ith a woman who had been an u n ­ believer, who had been led ou t into the light. She listened to th e teacher quot­ ing from cJod’s Word, “ Come un to me, I will REST you.” “T h at is w h at I need,” she said, “rest, rest, w ithin.” And then she made h er confession with te ars in h er eyes. “ I have wandered far away, now I am coming home.” She yielded herself to the Holy Spirit and peace came flooding her soul and now she stands fou r square on the Word, letting her ligh t shine wherever she goes, and in th a t large church th e re is none testifying to th e wondrous grace of God w ith g rea ter power th a n she. The Euodia Work Helen and E lise are two H igh School girls of Los Angeles, who come to the Euodia Bible classes. E lise is th e child of French-Swiss parents. On h er first day in class we discovered th a t she did not know th a t Jesus Christ was a Jew, and th a t she had no idea who Abraham was or what th e Jewish people stood for.

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S So we went back in our lesson and told h er briefly of God’s plan of salvation. “Now you have heard it all, Elise, do you feel th a t you have ever taken Jesus as your Saviour?” “No, I never have” she said. “Will you ta k e Him now?” “Yes” she answered simply. Now Elise comes to class every week w ith many questions fo r she still knows less, a t fif­ teen, about God’s Word th a n many p ri­ m ary children. Helen is a very different type. She “ used to believe” before she went to H igh School, she says. She has read more th a n the average adult already and h er keen young mind is developed more th an h er heart. “W hat is God?” she asks. “God loves you—He is Love for one th ing .” “Oh yes, attrib u tes— love, goodness and so on, perhaps these are God.” “No, no! God is personal. He is mor^ intensely individual th an you or I.” “But I must use my reason.” “God wants you to! He says, ‘Come now, and let us reason tog eth er.’ And if you do th at, what is th e resu lt? ‘Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool.’ ” “But Heaven and ‘the Glory,’ and all th a t, it all sounds like fairy-land to me.” “W hat does Jesus say? ‘In my F a th e r’s house are many mansions, if it were no t so I would have told you.’ ” . “You seem to take the Bible as if it were an exact science like Geometry.” “I do believe it all— and afte r all, is Geometry exact? How about the axioms? ‘Let it be g ran t­ ed th a t a straight line is the shortest distance between two points.’ You can­ not begin your exact science without sev­ eral assumptions. But Christ gives us His own word-’-'The' Scripture cannot be broken,’ in the m atter of th e Bible.” Helen is still coming, and still asking questions. H er forehead is often puck­ ered in a puzzled, troubled frown. It is against the law to teach the Bible in the schools, but alas! it is not against the law to plant seeds of disbe­ lief in young and tender minds. W h a t will the harvest be? What can we, who “know Him” do about it? m m BIOLA C L U B , PASADENA The classes are increasing in in te rest and influence. A new class has been o r­ ganized for High School and College young women, with Mrs. Elwood P. Lyon as teacher.

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