King's Business - 1923-03



his heart, now rejoices for the help of the Club. A young woman, working among the consumptives of a Sanitarium , found help and cheer at th e Club, and w ith a supply of Testaments and Gospels, as well as Scripture cards, supplied from th e Club, is doing an Aggressive work. Several have been saved th rough her recently. P ray for her and for Biola Club.

A nurse found help and cheer recently at the Club to resist temptation that would otherwise have ruined her career and life. A boy was wonderfully saved in one of th e classes. A man discouraged because of a wife who is a victim of the dope habit, and sons who were wayward and heartless, seemingly, found help and cheer, and with a new purpose to serve the Lord w ith all

-sri: -sve- m t 1 M smt SEAMEN’S WORK C la u d e P e a r s o n , S a p t. —O u r w o rk e rs b o a rd a ll v e sse ls in th e p o rt of S an P e d r o , h o ld in g G ospel S erv ices a n d D is tr ib u tin g L ite ra tu re . -ws-

sinners made to acknowledge th e ir guilt and see th at they must accept Christ to be saved. But, dear reader, th a t’s the world to ­ day; whether on land or sea, they are either so proud th a t they will not ac­ knowledge themselves as sinners or else they try to hide behind anything from a church membership, down. One dear fel­ low sought cover under his race. In one of the galleys th at we entered, several colored men were engaged in preparing the meal. We asked if they would care for some Gospel literature to read and immediately one of th e men answered, “All yo w anta gib de colored man is de Gospel.” We acknowledged th a t th a t was all, and we were glad th ere was no­ thing b e tte r,’ and we knew it always brought conviction when proclaimed. A Contrast On another of the boats visited we met a young man from Southampton, Eng­ land. F o r over an hour we talked about th e Lord and His Word, the prophecies concerning His birth, life, death, resurrection, and retu rn ; and about some of our difficulties and fail­ ures to w itness for Him and how patijent and' good He had been to us. Though he was from a foreign land, we were brothers in Christ. Of course he was only one of many we meet in th e Sea­ men’s Work. Say, th a t beats member­ ship in any lodge, business, profession, labor union or sect. We had never seen nor heard of one another, yet we were on common ground and interested in one ano th er’s blessings. P ray for us. We need your prayers.

“A nd I, b reth ren , w hen I cam e u n to you, cam e n o t w ith excellency of speech o r of w isdom proclaim ing to you th e testim o n y of God.” n ^ j j O W th an k fu l we are th a t we do H KBaJlInot have to depend upon human J |j § s | | philosophy to meet the argu- ■SWaLflments of men. Prom natives of two countries in one day we witnessed rebellion when they were called sinners. On a Mexican passenger steam er we ap­ proached a group and asked what lan ­ guage they spoke. They answered, “E ither Spanish or English.” Selecting some Spanish tracts and an English Gos­ pel for each, we rem arked, “Well, it doesn’t m a tte r w hether we are Spanish or English or from far off India, we all have sin fu l natu res, have lied, stolen, and broken th e laws of both God and man; in other words we are sinners head­ ed for hell.” A young lady spoke up, “You may be a sinner, but I am not; I have never-murdered anyone.” Well, we acknowledged we had never murdered anyone either, but we were sinners, only saved sinners through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus and anyone else could be saved too, by accepting God’s way. A ll Have Sinned L ater we visited an English vessel pro­ claiming the same story and the answer came, “You seem to have us marked down as a p retty hard lo t.” “Oh, n o !” we answered, “ no different from any others, but we know men and we know ‘All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.’ ” It was raining th a t day so we had plenty of time on board and when we left a backslider had been helped and

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