King's Business - 1923-03

False Cults in Mission Fields

— Some Letters Received by Fundamentals League

(N account of th e elim ination of outside advertising from our columns we have been unable to keep th e work of th e Chris­

— told me th a t when he goes out now to conduct a series of meetings, he must speak on topics like th is: ‘Is Christ God?’ ‘Is th e Holy Spirit a Person or an Influence’ ‘Is the Bible really the Word of God?’ etc. There is g reat need in India today for a very definite message on th e fundam entals. The people here need to be shown very clearly th e ‘Spirit of E rro r and T ru th ’. When I mentioned it to Tam il David (th e above mentioned evangelist) th is morning, he was ju st overjoyed to th ink th e re was such a pamphlet. He said he would be glad to tran slate it into Tamil. I hope you will be able to Send me a few of these copies as soon as you receive th is le tte r— we are very anxious fo r them here.” Colombo, Ceylon. “ I have ju st seen advertised in The K ing’s Business about your League and w rite to ask you to kindly help me w ith lite ra tu re to meet th e anti-Christian cults which are spreading in th is land, especially M illennial Dawnism and Mod­ ernism .” , South Africa. “We are a number of m issionaries out here working in Swaziland and su r­ rounding districts, members of the Scandinavian Alliance Mission of North America. We work mostly among the natives of th is country, bu t have num er­ ous opportunities of bringing th e Word of God to the white population. We find the Seventh Day Adventists are making headway mostly among th e Dutch speak­ ing people, bu t also among th e English, so both those languages would be needed to combat th e false doctrines and we would like you, sir, to help us by sending trac ts and papers if possible to counter­ act th e ir propaganda. We will w illingly distribute where we can. Christian Science, Spiritism , M illennial Dawn and

tia n Fundam entals League before our readers, bu t we w ant again to commend th e work being done by Dr. Robert Hadden, General Secretary of th e League, and advise those w ishing litera­ tu re to combat false religious cults in th e ir communities to get in touch w ith Dr. Hadden, 313 Columbia Building, Los Angeles. The League publishes th e ,c h art called “The Spirit of T ru th and th e Spirit of E rro r” , in which th e "leading teachings of - seven cults are contrasted w ith th e Word of God. This ch art has had a trem endous circulation through the League and has brought about th e salva­ tion of souls in all p arts of th e world where th e modern false prophets have gone. The following letters w ritten to Dr.- Hadden will be of in te rest as showing how erroneous teachings are harassing the m issionaries in the foreign fields: Bangalore, India. “I have been wondering if you could send me a few copies of ‘The Spirit of T ru th and th e Spirit of E rro r’. I brought a few copies out w ith me, but have given my la st one away. I w ant one for myself and th is morning I had a very earnest request from an evangelist for a copy.. When I was still a t home, I believe th ere was a pam phlet rack in the rea r of the church, where a few of these good leaflets were to be had free of charge. Could you send me as many as a dozen copies of the above chart? I would appreciate them so much. . . . A veteran evangelist— now nearly 80 years old, and a man who has been very widely used of God for very many years

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