King's Business - 1923-03

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S V illata, Porto Rico. “ I have received your lite ra tu re both in Spanish and English. I wish to th ank you for all th is and for th e good it may do in its mission of good in giving the gospel to th e people. Our people are so ignorant in regard to sp iritual m atters th a t it takes lots of patience to make them understand. It is a work of Tine upon line’ th a t is requ ired .” Ketchikan, Alaska. “ I have read the ch art called th e ‘Spirit of T ru th and th e Spirit of E rro r’ and I th ink if is th e best I have ever seen of its kind. I th ink it is a good work to give th is tru th to th e people and I would like a hundred to sta rt w ith .”

270 Modernism are also around us in a lesser degree.” — Signed by Twelve Missionaries. Sidi G ab er/E gyp t. “My husband and X are very much obliged for th e ch a rt you so kindly sent us and we shall be very glad if you are led to send us some more th a t we may d istribu te them to some of our friends in England and also to many Who need such help h ere in Egypt. Many well-to- do people here have tak en up w ith Christian Science and we h ear th a t a goodly number attend th e ir meetings. Who knows b u t th a t it may please the Lord to awaken them to a sense of th e ir danger by reading th is ch art.”




m '¿ k J ik THE FURLOUGHED MISSIONARY By Mary E llio t F itch Tooker, in Woman’s Work

Ah, th e home land fields are bonny, and the woodlands lush and green, W ith th e white birch and the fir-tree and th e elm— they call th e ir queen. I love them all and know not which one I love th e best, F o r I ’m a t home on furlough and th e re ’s home w ithin my breast! I ’ve longed to see th e straigh t pine on th e snowy mountain tops; I ’ve longed to see th e canyon, w ith its red and golden rocks; But w hat I ’ve wanted most of all was to see my m other’s face, And to sit w ith her a t tab le in my old accustomed place. And when I go to God’s house and sit among the rest, And sing, “My Country, ’Tis of Thee’’-¿¿the tides su rge in my breast. F o r th e re ’s not a flag beneath th e skies so glorious as our own; There’s not a country in th e world like our dear, sweet home. Ah, th e Chinese streets are dirty, and th e Chinese people queer; But afte r all, they’re ju s t like us, and th e Master holds them dear. You ask if I am going back to face th e guns again? Like soldiers home on furlough, my only though t is when!

I ’m going back to the trenches to get ano th er shot. I fight beside my Captain— if I fall it m atters not. So I’m going back to China, and over th e seas I ’ll fare, My home is in th e homeland, bu t my h e a rt’s out there.

—Missionary Review of World.


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