King's Business - 1923-03


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

II. THE NEGATIVE SIDE 1. Source “ Not of yourselves” 2. Means “Not of w orks” 3. Result

7; Reigning w ith Christ...........Rev. 20:4 — Harlow Parsons. BIBLE EVENTS ^OCCURRING “ONCE” 1. “Appointed Once” (Heb. 9 :2 7 ). THE .WAGES OF SIN. 2. “Appeared Once” (Heb. 9 :2 6 ). TO PUT AWAY SIN. 3. “” (1 Pet. 3 :1 8 ). FOR SINS. 4. “Offered Once” (Heb. 9 :2 8 ). TO BEAR OUR SINS. 5... “Died Once” (Rom. 6 :1 0 ). • UNTO SIN. 6. “Shaken Once” (Hag. 2 :6 ; Heb. 12 :26 ). BECAUSE OF SIN. 7. “Delivered Once” (Jud e 3). THE FAITH CONCERNING THE SAVIOUR AND THE SAINTS. THE EYE (Expressive of W hat is in th e H eart) 1. An enticing eye.............. Prov. 10:10 2. An adulterous eye..........-Jo b . 24:15 3. A mocking eye..................Prov. 30:17 4. An unpitying eye...............Ezek. 16:5 5. A covetous eye..................Prov. 28:22 6. An evil eye............................Mk. 7:22 7. ,'A single eye..............................Mt. 6:22 — K. L. B. SIN Definition— Sin is any w ant of conform ity unto or transgression of the- law of God— Catechism. Its N ature— All unrighteousness is sin. -Ill John 5:17. To him th a t knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.— James 4:17. He will reprove th e world of sin. . . . Of sin, because they believe not on Me. — John 16:8, 9. Its Ex ten t— There is none righteous; no, not one. — Rom. 3:10. All have sinned, and come sho rt of the glory of God.— Rom. 3:23.

“Rest any man should boast” — R. S. Beal. CONTRASTS 1. Foolishness says: “There is no God” (PS. 14 :1 ). Wisdom: “The fear of th e Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Ps. 111:10). 2. “A fool despiseth his fath e r’s in­ stru ction” (Prov. 15 :5 ). “A wise son m aketh a glad fa th e r” ( Prov. 15 :20 ). 3. “A fool u tte re th all his piind. ( “A wise man keepeth it in till afte r­ w ards” (Prov. 2 9 :11 ). 4. “A fool’s voice is known by m ulti­ tude of words” (Eccl. 5 :3 ). A wise man bridleth his Longue (see Jam es 1 :2 6 ). 5. “A fool h ath no delight in under­ standing” (Prov. 1 8 :2 ). The wise search th e Scriptures daily (see Acts 17 :11 ). 6. The foolish build upon the sand (see Matt. 7:2.6). T h e wise build upon a rock (see Matt. 7 :2 4 ). 7. The foolish tak e no oil in th e ir ves­ sels (see Matt. 2 5 :3 ). The wise ta k e oil in th e ir vessels w ith th e ir lamps (see Matt. 2 5 :4 ). ’ 8. Sam. 3 :33 ; Luke 12 :20 ). The death of th e wise (see Ps. 37:37; Prov. 14:32; Rev. 14 :13 ). — J. G. Grant. WITH CHRIST ' Serven Steps 1. Crucified w ith Christ..:....... Gal. 2:20 2. Dead w ith Christ.................... Rom. 6:8 3. Quickened.w ith Christ...........Eph. 2:5 4. Risen w ith Christ................... Col. 3:1 5. Hid w ith Christ......................... Col. 3:3 6. Heirs w ith Christ................Rom. 8:17

' The death of the foolish (see 2

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