King's Business - 1923-03

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


There is not a ju s t man upon earth , th a t doeth good, and sinneth not.—

PULPIT POINTERS H ow Is C hrist Preached? “I t is continually urged upon preach­ ers th a t they should preach CHRIST.” says The Life of F aith . “ I t is such wholesome advice th a t we cannot but agree w ith it; bu t we should desire to qualify even th a t laudable exhortation. Everything depends on how CHRIST is preached, in what function and capacity and characteristic. F o r example, many young preachers, fired w ith social en­ thusiasm s, have no difficulty in preach-, ing ‘Jesus th e C arpenter,’ ‘Christ th e Peacem aker’; some, alas, have even gone to th e length of preaching ‘Christ th e Socialist.’ 1 But when we speak of preaching Christ we mean so much more. We mean preaching Christ as Saviour, for th a t is th e first work He does for man. H e saves his soul, and pardons his offenses, and endues him w ith the peace of God, and gives th e blessed gift of the Holy Spirit. “ It may be th a t we ta k e all th is for granted and never declare it, b u t th at, surely, is a dangerous experiment. We can tak e nothing for granted when we are th ink ing of th e soul’s relationship w ith God. We must assume nothing but preach everything. Above all m ust we declare th e riches of Divine grace and th e plenitude of th e everlasting mercy.” P u lp iteers or P ersonal W orkers? A noted evangelist was once holding a series of services in a church whose m inister was a man of long experience and of g reat ability and of g reat in­ fluence. One night as they sat on the platform together, th e m inister pointed ou t to the evangelist a man in the aud i­ ence. “F o r twelve years,” he said. “ I have tried to win th a t man to Christ. I have preached to him so long th a t I sometimes find myself doing it almost unconsciously.” “From th e p u lp it?” asked th e evangelist. “F rom the pul­ pit, yes.” “How many times have you gone to him w ith the love of God in

Eccl. 7:20. Its Effect—

Your iniquities have separated be­ tween you and, your God.— Isa. 59:2. Know ye not th a t th e unrighteous shall not inh erit the kingdom of God?— 1 Cor. 6:9. He th a t soweth to his flesh, shall of th e flesh reap corruption.— Gal. 6:8.- The soul th a t sinneth, it shall die.— Ezek. } 8 : 4 . The wages of sin is death.— Rom. 6:23. Its Remedy— Behold th e Lamb of God, which tak - eth away th e sin of th e world.— John 1:29. Whosoever believeth in H im shall re­ ceive rem ission of sin.—Acts 10:43. N either is th ere salvation in any o th er; for th e re is none o th er name under heaven given among men, where­ by we miust be saved.—-Acts 4:12. F o r God so loved th e world, th a t He gave His only begotten Son, th a t who­ soever believeth in Him should no t per­ ish, bu t have everlasting life.— John 3:16. Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord: Though you sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.— Isa. 1:18. — F red S. Shepard. MINISTERS OF RIGHEOTJSNESS (?) Dupes of Satan. 2 Cor. 11:15. Deniers of th e Deity of Christ. 1 Jno. 2:22. Called Liars. Deniers of Christ’s Atonement. 2 Pet. 2:1. Called Heretics. Deniers of Christ’s Bodily Resurrec­ tion. 1 Cor. 15:14, 17. Vain. . Deniers of Christ’s R etu rn to E arth . 2 Pet. 3:3-4. Scoffers. Deniers of Christ’s Imm inent Return. Mt. 24:48. Evil Servants. —K. L. B.

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