King's Business - 1923-03


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S There they found th e eleven disciples gathered together, and they told them w hat had happened as they walked, and how they did no t know him un til he a te w ith them . While they were speak­ ing, Jesus him self stood in the m idst of them and said, “Peace be unto you.” But they were frightened. Then he said unto them , “Why are you troubled? And why does fear come into your hearts? Look a t my hands arid my feet; touch me, and see th a t it is I, myself.” Now here is o u r . memory verse. Alive for evermore; never to die any more. And th e best p art of th is story is th a t all who belong to Jesus are going to be alive for evermore too, and live w ith him up in heaven. (Make th is lesson real to the children, and show them how the sting is tak en ou t of death for the believer.) Closing P rayer.

298 alive.” Then Jesus told them th a t it seamed strange to them because they did not understand w hat the prophets had w ritten. Then Jesus began and ex­ plained w hat was w ritten about himself in the Scriptures, and th a t it was neces­ sary th a t he should die, and th a t he would rise, and go up to heaven. But still the two men did not know him. Now the two men are at th e end of their walk, and they invite Jesus in to supper w ith them . Then something happened; Jesus th anked God for th e bread, and broke it and gave to them. Then righ t away they knew it was Jesus; and sud­ denly he was gone ou t of th e ir sight. Then they said to one another, ‘‘Did not our h earts warm to him, while he talked to us by th e way?” And they rose up th a t same hour and went back to Jerusalem .


T h at is A NEW CREATION By th e Sp irit’s OPERATION Through the BLOOD-REDEMPTION A t cost beyond CONCEPTION And found in GOD’S REVELATION Which is for EVERY - NATION.

•—Geo. Storm fels, Emporia, Kan.

What Shall I Do 9 With Jesus •

My Answer to the Great Question.


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