King's Business - 1923-03

A N E W S E R I E S O F SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS -------------------------■-----FROM THE GOSPEL OF JO H N ----------------------------— SUGGESTED and APPROVED bp the FUNDAMENTALS COMMITTEE

Exposition of the Lesson, Including Lesson for Jimiors Suggestive Comment . . . . . . . .

T . C . Horton Bp Prominent Ministers

MARCH 11 , 192 3 THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE—John 6:41-71

which is called “ the old n a tu re ”- the n atu re w ith which we are born—must be systematically Btarved. Believers do not get rid of th eir old n atu re un til the body of th eir hum iliation is laid down and they go .to be w ith H im ; or until He comes and they are given th e ir new bodies. Then they will be through with th e old n atu re forever. The spiritual n atu re must be system ­ atically nu rtu red . W hat constitutes food for th e new n atu re? True bread, v. 32; Bread of God, v. 33; Bread of Life, v. 35; Jesus, v. 48; Living Bread, vs. 50, 51 ;.His flesh, v..51. It is very evident from these verses th a t th e sp iritual n atu re must feed on Jesus Christ. The d eath of Jesus is the life of th e believer. In th e death of Jesus Christ we see sins pu t away. Death for us means death to the sinful n atu re which separates us from God. Sin brought in death. Jesu s’ death bore out sin. He who is dead is freed from sin. (Rom. 6:7.) Death was ours. H is death became our life and so sep­ arates us forever from sin and death. The Jews strove among themselves saying, “How can this man give us His flesh to e a t? ” Only those who are born from above can know and understand th is statem ent of our Lord. The resu r­ rection life im parted to the believer by the indwelling Spirit gives power to ap­ propriate th e life of Christ. The earth ly life of Jesus is a blessed example; th ere is inspiration is it; but

Golden Text: “ I am th e living bread which came down from heaven; if any man eat of th is bread, he shall live forever.” (John 6:51.) Theme: The Words of E tern al Life. Place: Near Capernaum. Persons: Jesus, th e Disciples, the Jews. Outline: (1) Discourse of Jesus to the Jews, vs. 41-58. (2) Discourse of Jesus to the Disci­ Our lesson is a continuation of the message given last week on “The Bread of L ife.” The Jews, as was so often the case, found fau lt w ith th e Teacher, be­ cause He claimed to be God’s Son. It is h ard for the n atu ra l man to under­ stand or receive the things of God. (1) DISCOURSE OF JESUS TO THE JEWS, vs. 41-58. Food an d Fellowship. The Jews murmured. He claimed so much for Himself. They said, “ Is not this Joseph’s son?” The world murmurs when it fails to understand. The Deity of Jesus Christ can only be ap­ prehended by those who tu rn to Him and only such will be able to learn of Him. Such will see th e F ath e r and recognize Him. (John 1 4 :9 .\ t h a t h a t h s e e n m e h a t h s e e n t h e F a t h e r ; a n d h o w s a y e s t th o n th e n , S h ew n s t h e F a t h e r ? ” Believers have two natures. T h is1 must be recognized. The carnal nature, ples, vs. 59-71. Int ro du cti on:

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