King's Business - 1923-03

301 Does any one remember anything th a t happened at Cana? (F o u rth Les­ son) Yes, you remember th a t Jesus perform ed His first •m iracle in Cana, of Galilee, when He was invited to a wed- ing and tu rn ed the w ater into wine. When Jesus reached "Cana, He found a nobleman waiting for Him. The nobleman lived in Capernaum which was quite a distance from Cana, but his son was dying and he had heard th a t Jesus could heal sick people, so he had come to Cana to try to get Jesus to go back w ith him and heal his son. If you were sick, do you th ink your fath e r' and mother would be anxious about you? Would they pray for yoa?^ How many have fath ers and mothers who pray fo r you when you are naughty or when you are sick? If any boy or girl has a fath e r or mother who doesn’t pray w ith them, wouldn’t it be a good thing to ask them why they don’t? Whom do we ta lk to when we pray? (God, th e F ath e r.) In whose Name do we pray? (In the name of Jesus. See Seventh Lesson,) W h at did the nobleman say to Jesus? (v. 49.) W hat reply did Jesus make? (v. 50.) Do you th ink the nobleman was satisfied w ith the answer th a t Jesus gave him? (He asked Jesus to come down to his house, bu t Jesus healed his son rig h t away, w ithout going to the house, so th a t th e man had more than he asked for.) Did you ever have a better answer to your prayers th an you had expected? Does God always answer the prayers of His family? Does He always give us ju st w hat we ask for? Do our fathers and mothers always give us ju st what we ask for? Why not? (Because they know th a t what we w ant would not be good for us, and it would not be kind to give us what we ask for. So God, our F ath er, always answers our prayers. He knows exactly w hat will be good for us, and often gives better things th an we

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

upon it ourselves and then we must d istribu te it to others. Christ always gave proof of His claims to Deity. H is ascension, He says, will be th e proof th a t He is the tru e Bread from Heaven (v. 62). He will re tu rn to Heaven from whence He came. He knew th a t some would not believe, because He k n ew all things (John 21: 17; Heb. 4 :1 3 ). “Will ye also go away?” v. 67. This" is a serious question. To whom shall we go? To Mohammed? Madame Bla- vatsky? The Fox Sisters? Mrs. Eddy? P asto r Russell? The Devil? If you give up your faith in God to whom will you go? W hat will you do? We have an unimpeachable Book; we have tried it, tested it, it has stood the te st of cen­ turies. Break it if you can. We have an assurance of eternal life, well founded. We have a peace which passeth knowledge. We have a joy unspeakable and full of glory. We have a love for our fellows. W hat have you? Topics fo r Study The Cause of Murmuring, or Grum­ bling. The Drawing Power of Christ. W hat is Spiritual Food? Are all Professing Christians Pos­ sessing Christians? The T rue Testimony of Believers. JB g ? 3S& THE JUNIORS A NOBLEMAN’S SON HEALED Jo h n 4:46-54 The lesson to-day is about a father, whose son was very sick, bu t was healed by Jesus. Listen to every word _ and then see which one of you can tell me the story when I am through. You remember th a t when Jesus stopped a t the well in Samaria and talked w ith the woman, He was on His way from Jerusalem to Galilee. In our lesson to-day He has started on His journey again and gone as far as Cana.

B. I. O. L. A. STUDENTS on Page 261

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