King's Business - 1923-03



mated by the further pertinent comment of the newspapers: “There may be some sligh t doubt among th e prison officials as to th e efficacy of th e strin g and th e saying, b u t th e re isn ’t th e sligh test doubt in th e world th a t these m u rderers are going to w ork it fo r a ll th e re is in it, bo th in the m a tte r of publicity an d to curry favo r w ith all parties concerned.” • "So it comes to pass that at the beginning of this new year we have this new suggestion for “ uplift” which may prove to be the successful rival of Christian Science as it includes about all there is in that cult without having to deny outright the existence of self-evident facts. It is a shorter and simpler cut by far to the desired end. Dr. Coue is now in the United States for a series of lectures on his new discovery. The world has waited long for this wonderfully simple solution of the problem of sin and sorrow and suffering. We have tried to express our understanding of the method of using the “ chant” and the “ string” in the accompanying cartoon. —T. C. H. HERESY HUNTING In the New York Times of Sunday, December .10, 1922, Dr. John Archi­ bald MacCallum, pastor of the Walnut Street Presbyterian Church of Phila­ delphia, comes to the defense of Harry Emerson Fosdick and charges the Philadelphia Presbytery with '“ heresy hunting.” In the opening words of his address Dr. MacCallum says: .. “The recen t a tta c k upon Dr. Fosdick by th e P resbytery of Philadelphia is likely to precip itate ano th er period of b itte r and divisive controversy in th e P resby terian Church an d indirectly, by its repercussions, in all th e P ro te sta n t churches of th is country.” The enemy always seeks to throw dust in the eyes of the people by the cry of “ hunting!” Well, we do not care what they cry. Every loyal, Bible-loving, Christ-defending Christian must take the consequences, blow' away the dust and speak out squarely. Fosdick’s own words condemn him, showing clearly that he belongs to a school of speakers who take pleasure in airing their infidel views in the name of scholarship. In his sermon entitled, “ The New Knowledge and the Christian Faith,” preached in the First Pres­ byterian Church of New York City, May 21,1922, he says: “Here, fo r example, is one point of view; th a t' th e virgin b irth is to bd accepted as historical fact; it actually happened; th e re was no o th er way fo r a personality like th e M aster to come in to th is world except by a special biological m iracle. T h at is one point of view and' many are th e gracious an d beautiful1 souls who hold it. “But, side by side w ith th em in th e evangelical churches, is a group of equally loyal and rev eren t people who would say th a t th e virgin b irth is n o t to be accepted as an historic fact.” This is' an old trick of Satan, the deceiver. The enemies of the truth may use their soft, soothing, sweet metaphors, but “ What saith the Scrip­ ture?” must be our continual and continuous answer. Our Lord Jesus Christ was a “ heresy hunter” if you so choose to desig­ nate one who contends for the truth, and He hunted the Pharisees to their lair. Listen to Him in John 8 :42-44: “Jesu s said u n to them , If God w ere your F ath e r, ye would love m e; fo r I proceeded fo rth and came from God; n eith er came I of myself, b u t h e sen t me. Why do ye n o t und erstand my speech? even because ye cannot h ea r my word. Ye are of your fa th e r th e devil, an d th e lu sts of your fath e r ye will do. .He was a m u rd erer from th e beginning, and abode n o t in th e tru th , because th e re

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