King's Business - 1923-03



is no tr u th in him . "When h e speaketh a lie, h e speaketh of h is own; fo r h e is a liar, and th e fath e r of it.” Paul was a heresy hunter, and he hunted the enemies of the truth to their dark abode. John was a heresy hunter and commanded that the saints receive not into their homes those who held false doctrine. The Bible is a heresy hunter, and that is what troubles the heretics. They can only meet the truth by a total deniai of its authenticity and authority. These men are playing a worn-out game and it cannot win against God’s inerrant Word. Listen to Fosdick’s childish plea in the same sermon: “H ere in th e Christian churches are th ese two groups of people an d the question which th e F undam entalists raise is th is; Shall one of them throw th e o th er ou t? \ V ' H as intolerance any contribution to m ake to th is situ ation ? W ill it persuade anybody of anything? Is n o t th e Christian church larg e enough to hold w ithin h e r hospitable fellowship people who differ on points lik e th is and agree to differ u n til th e fu ller tru th be m anifested?” No sir, Mr. Fosdick, the Christian church is not large enough to hold both believers in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ and the deniers of His Virgin Birth. There would be no place for á staunch Democrat in President Harding’s cabinet. How can two walk together except they be agreed? There is plenty of room for you with.the Unitarians. Go on out. Be man enough to stop your devil-inspired work of seeking to blind the eyes of God’s people with your use of worn-out sophistry. The church has pulled through these ages, by God’s grace, without any of your so-called “ scholar­ ship” and we are willing for the test to continue, building on the solid rock, of the inerrant Word of God; and let every.true, loyal saint say, “ Amen!” —T. C. H. ^1^. afc ate CHRIST AND THE CRITICS We are studying the Gospel of John and wondering at the complacency of the critics, when they suggest all kinds of questions concerning this Gospel. “ There is no claim,” say they, “ in it as to the Virgin Birth of Jesus.” They question its authenticity, etc., etc. . ' . i Well, let us look at one or two things in connection with it. President Harper, of the Chicago University, once said of i t : “ It is the greatest piece of literature in the world.” It has been called the “ incomparable piece of literature.” , Every word in it is simple and can be understood by any boy or girl. The truths it teaches are the deepest and clearest in the whole Bible. Every fundamental teaching of the evangelical church is clearly and forcefully set forth. The inspiration of the Book; the Triune God (God the Father, Jesus Christ, God’s Son as one with the Father, Eternal God, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, Creator, God manifest in the flesh, receiving worship as God and after His death accepting the title of Lord and God); the Holy Spirit as one with the Father and Son and yet distinct in personality and proceeding from the Father, sent by the Son and abiding in the believer forever, teaching of and glorifying Jesus; the sacrificial atonement of Jesus, God’s Lamb dying to save sinners; His physical resurrection in His glorified body; His ascension to be with the Father; the second coming of Christ; the eternal life of

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