King's Business - 1923-03

316 During October th e Los Angeles police narcotic squad arrested 104 drug ped­ dlers in Los Angeles and confiscated $15,000 worth of morphine, cocaine, heroin, hasheesh and opium. The effect on th e drug business was about the same as th e effect would be on the motor traffic in Los Angeles streets if 104 motorists were arrested for speed­ ing and th e ir cars w ithdraw n from cir­ culation. It didn’t make a ripple in the vast ocean of the drug industry. a » BIBLE REVIVALS IN AUSTRALIA By George T. B. Davis During th e past year rem arkable Bible Revival Campaigns have been held in Melbourne, Sydney, and o ther cities in Australia. Tens of thousands of copies of God’s Word have been distributed, and tens of thousands of boys and girls and young people have professed faith in Christ. The longest and largest bf the cam­ paigns held in A ustralia thu s far was in Melbourne. The movement extended over 12 weeks, during which 32,000 Testaments were given away to those who enlisted in th e Pocket Testament League, while over 12,000 enrolled under th e banner of Christ. P ray er was the secret of th e success of the work. The Archbishop of Mel­ bourne, Dr. H arrington Lees, and the heads of th e o th er qhurches, signed a Call to P rayer for the campaign, which was sent th roughou t the State. The chief fields of operation were the schools of Melbourne; th e State Schools, high schools, and colleges. W ith the hearty cooperation of th e m inisters, the schools were entered, sometimes several in th e course of one day, and the Spirit of God swept over th e h earts of the boys and girls of th e city like a breeze .from heaven. One of the most far-reaching events of th e campaign was th e visit to Scotch College. This is the largest school of the kind in the B ritish Empire, having an enrollm ent of over 1300 lads and young men. In the two visits to the

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S two sections of th e College 934 were unlisted in the League, and almost 500 recorded th eir acceptance of Christ as th eir Saviour. The Chaplain, the Rev. F. Chisholm, declared: “Scenes were enacted which probably are unparalleled in the long record of its seventy-five years.” The head m aster of a state school in Melbourne told a friend th a t a week or so afte r the Books had been distributed the comic papers had disappeared, and the boys and girls were reading their Testaments instead. The Melbourne Council have now a r­ ranged a th ree months’. Bible Revival Campaign to cover the State of Victoria. P lans are being made for me to make a rapid to u r of 15 to 20 of the largest cities and towns, in the State, visiting the schools, distribu ting Testaments, and preaching Christ. Please pray for th is unique campaign; and th a t we may also be led to ju st the rig h t places, for campaigns in 1923. I am convinced we are on the eve of a g reat world-wide Revival. We were all disappointted th a t the revival did not immediately ^ follow the world war. Year afte r year has passed and the longed-for world awakening has tarried . But, praise God, it is coming. WHERE THE ROOTS GROW In many senses th e root of the plant is th e most im portant p a rt of it. Men do not see i t . . It is hidden away down under th e ground. Yet in the d ark it- works away, and in its secret laboratory it prepares th e life which goes up into th e tree and manifests itself in tru n k and branches, in leaves and fruit. So it is in th e sp iritual life. It is not th e closet which men see. It is not a man’s secret, personal, religious life which the world understands and praises. Yet it is in th e closet th a t the roots of his life grow. And if the roots be not nourished, then the tree will soon die.— J. R. Miller.


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