King's Business - 1923-03



power kitchens, is doing a really useful work, but it is not th e fundam ental work of th e church. The one great primary, fundam ental work of the church is to teach man the spiritual significance of the world and to keep th a t faith fresh w ithin him .” A SPIRITUAL MAGNET It is related of Fenelon th a t he had such communion w ith God his very face shone. Lord Peterborough, a skeptic, was obliged to spend th e n igh t w ith him a t.a n inn. In the morning he rushed away, saying, “ If I stay ano th er night w ith th a t man I shall be a Christian in spite of myself.” Fenelon’s man­ ners were full of grace, his voice was full of love, and his face full of glory. The invitation, “Come to Jesu s,” was in every act. He was a “ sp iritual mag­ n et.” “T hat,” says th e Record of Chris­ tian work, “is what God wants us all to be. That is w hat we all can be, by ju st yielding up all to Him and letting Him live again in us. Under no other con­ dition can th is transform ing power ful­ fill its mission to our souls. Are you

“Still speaking as a business man and an average citizen, I say we go to church to h ear again and again the g reat sp irit­ ual tru th s th a t build character and give sp iritu al significance to life. We go to h ear again and again th a t ‘in my F a th e r’s house are many mansions,’ and ‘I am the resurrection and the life, he th a t believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.’ We go to hear, through the mediumship of an under­ standing and sp iritual pastor: ‘Come unto me all ye th a t labor and are heavy laden and I will give you re st.’ We go to h ear th a t th e arm of the Lord has not been shortened. “X looked over the church announce­ ments in a recent Saturday paper and I read these: ‘Go to th e E R lf j church to ­ morrow. Readings from th e poems of Oscar W ilde.’ ‘Go to th e ------- church tomorrow night. A g reat film: “The Nest,” by R upert Hughes,’ ‘Go to the -—-— church tomorrow night: “Flappers and Flapdoodle,” by th e pastor.’ “The modern in stitu tion al church with its bowling alleys and billiard rooms, and in some instances dance floors and

libraries and reading rooms and high- ready for it? ”

ANGELS OF LIGHT HE Satan of Scripture tran sfo rm s him self into an angel of light, and works effectually through a false m inistry, “ transform ed as th e m inisters of righteousness.” (2 Cor. 11:14, 15.) M inisters of righteousness, as we all know, would forfeit th e ir name, and lose th e ir power of accomplishment, should they corrupt men’s morals or incite to manifest acts of crime. The Scriptures clearly and abundantly teach, th a t back in th e garden of Eden, and through our first fath er, the n atu re of th e race as a whole was co rrup ted ; th a t as a consequence, it is “ from w ithin, out of th e h eart proceed evil though ts” (Mk. 7 :2 1 ); th a t “ every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lu st and enticed” .— Jam es 1:14. The root sin of th e race, th e sin from which all sins of all men have grown and flourished, was and is disregard of th e Divine Word plainly spoken and easily understood. This prepares the way for declaring a tru th th a t now demands the careful though t of all Christians, and p articu larly of Christian teachers and preachers, namely: “The chief aim and object of all S atan’s schemes and activities, is to get w ithin his control, and under his dominance the religions of th e World. R ight well does he know th a t th e secret, as well as th e sw iftest way to accomplish his purpose, is to discredit the Divine Word in th e m inds of those who are allied with, and known as Christian teachers and preachers.”— A. B. Vaughan in W estern Recorder.

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