BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle


made by The Epsom & Walton Downs Conservators under and by virtue of

Section 11 of the Epsom and Walton Downs Regulation Act 1984 in respect of Epsom Downs and parts of Walton Downs within the District of Epsom and Ewell in the County of Surrey


Regulation A Downs Conservators constituted by the Epsom and Walton Downs Regulation Act 1936

2 of that Act.

an aircraft which weighs not more than 7 kilogrammes (15.4

pounds) without its fuel; "Power- vapour or other combustible substances or by one or more electric motors; -contro similar device; -propelled or rocket- rocket, other than by means of a small reaction motor powered by a solid fuel pellet not exceeding 2.54 centimetres (one inch) in length; - 2. (i) A person shall not, without the consent of the Conservators, on the Downs: (a) enclose any part of the Downs or erect any building shed or other structure thereon or construct any roads or parking places (b) place any tent stall show exhibition swing roundabout or other like thing (c) play golf or organised games (d) turn out or permit any animal to graze

Page 2 of 8 updated 18 November 2013


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