BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

(e) dig or take any stem chalk soil or other materials or take any turf sods trees flowers shrubs plants or grass or use any device designed or adapted for detecting or locating any metal or mineral in the ground (f) drive or place any carriage cart motor car or other vehicle other than upon public carriageways or use any part of the Downs as a parking place (g) camp or light fires (h) displace or remove any seats fences banners notice-boards or other things put up and maintained by the Conservators or the Company or the Owner under the powers of the Act (i) sell or offer or expose for sale or let to hire or offer or expose for letting to hire any commodity or article or provide any service (j) walk on the Race Course except at crossing places authorised under paragraph 5(a) of Section 17 of the Act and indicated by notices conspicuously displayed 2. (2) A person shall not on the Downs: (a) by operating or causing or permitting to be operated any wireless set gramophone amplifier tape recorder or similar instrument make cause or permit to be made any noise which is so loud or so continuous or repeated as to give reasonable cause for annoyance to other persons on the Downs (b) allow any dog in his charge to enter or remain on the Downs unless such dog be and continue to be under proper control and be effectually restrained from causing annoyance to any person and from worrying or disturbing any animal (c) intentionally hinder or obstruct any officer or servant of the Conservators in the exercise of his duties (d) fly any model aircraft in such a manner as to be likely to cause undue interference with the enjoyment of the land by persons lawfully using the land (e) intentionally obstruct endanger or give reasonable cause for annoyance to any other person in the proper use of the Downs. 3. A person shall not without lawful authority ride a horse on the Downs otherwise than upon the rides and areas shown for that purpose on the signed map and on such other rides or areas as may from time to time be authorised by the Conservators. 4. A person shall not without lawful authority ride a horse before noon on any day upon: (a) the ride on Epsom Downs between the entrance to Epsom Downs from Rosebery Road and the point where that ride joins bridleway 127 (being the ride

between the points m adjacent to that ride

Page 3 of 8 updated 18 November 2013


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