BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

(c) the line of that footpath from its junction with Langley Vale Road to a point in line with the guard railings on the inside of the Race Course. (3) A person shall not without reasonable excuse cause a radio controlled model aircraft to fly over the area set apart by the Conservators for the flying of kites at an altitude of less than 61 metres (200 feet). 8. A person shall not on any part of the Downs set apart by the Conservators for the flying of model aircraft release any model aircraft for flight or control the flight of such an aircraft or cause any such aircraft to take off or land: (a) on the days when race meetings are held, or (b) on any other days before 1200 hours or after sunset, or (c) in the case of radio controlled power driven models on any other days before 1200 hour or after sunset or 2000 hours whichever is the earlier. 9. A person shall not on any part of the Downs release any model aircraft for flight or control the flight of such an aircraft or cause any such aircraft to take off or land which is: (a) power driven and attached to a control line or (b) launched by means of a catapult or (c) jet-propelled or rocket-propelled or (d) turbine-powered. 10. A person shall not on any part of the Downs set apart by the Conservators for the flying of power driven model aircraft: release any power-driven model aircraft for flight or control the flight of such an aircraft or cause any such aircraft to take off or land unless- (i) the noise emitted by the aircraft gives a noise measurement of not more than 82dB(A) at a distance of 7 metres (23 feet) from the aircraft when measured by means of the equipment described, and by the method set out in the Code of Practice issued in pursuance of the approval given by the Control of Noise (Code of Practice on Noise from Model Aircraft) Order 1982 11. A person shall not, without the consent of the Conservators, on any part of the Downs, release any model aircraft. 12. A person shall not release any kite for flight or control the flight of such a kite and shall not cause a kite to take off or without reasonable excuse cause such a kite to land on any part of the Downs other than that part which is enclosed by the Old London Road to the north, east and south and to the west by Public Bridleway 127 or without reasonable excuse cause or allow a kite to fly within a distance of 45.75 metres (150 feet) of those boundaries.

Page 5 of 8 updated 18 November 2013


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