BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

13. A person shall not on any part of the Downs set apart by the Conservators for the flying of kites release any kite for flight or control the flight of such a kite or cause any kite to take off or land: (a) on the days in any racing period or (b) on any other days before 1200 hours or after sunset. (c) which is constructed in the delta format and exceeds 8 feet in span or in any other format and exceeds 5 metres in span (d) which is constructed in the parafoil format and where the number of kites in a stock on a common set of control lines exceeds three (e) where the length of any control line exceeds 45.75 metres (150 feet). 14. A person shall not on any part of the Downs engage in kite jumping or use kite buggies. 15. No person shall cause or allow a kite without reasonable excuse to be flown on any part of the Downs unattended or whilst left on the ground unattended cause or allow a kite without reasonable excuse to become airborne in unattended flight. 16. No person shall fly any kite in such a manner as to be likely to cause undue interference with the enjoyment of the land by persons lawfully using the land. 17. No person shall leave any kite parts on the Downs after the cessation of kite flying. 18. No person shall without reasonable excuse ride a bicycle on the Downs except on authorised routes. Any person who rides a bicycle on any bridleway or other authorised route shall give way to pedestrians and persons on horseback. 19. Every person who shall offend against any of the foregoing byelaws may after due warning be removed from the Downs by an officer or servant of the Conservators in either of the cases hereinafter specified, and in the second mentioned case may after due warning be excluded from the Downs by any officer or servant of the Conservators: (i) where the infraction of the byelaws is committed within the view of such officer or servant and the name and residence of the person infringing the byelaws are unknown to and cannot be readily ascertained by such officer or servant. (ii) where the infraction of the byelaw is committed within the view of such officer or servant and from the nature of such infraction or from any other fact of which such officer or servant may have knowledge or of which he may be credibly informed there may be reasonable ground for belief that the continuance on the Downs of the person infringing the byelaw may result in another infraction of a byelaw or that the removal of such person from the Downs is otherwise necessary as security for the proper use and regulation thereof. 20. Any officer or servant of the Conservators may after due warning take down or remove any thing or animal which is on the Downs in contravention of these byelaws.

Page 6 of 8 updated 18 November 2013


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