BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

HS2 Ltd & SSfT v Persons Unknown & Ors

Approved Judgment:

Mr Justice Ritchie:

The Parties 1.

The first Claimant is constructing the high speed railway from London to Crewe and was then planning to construct onwards to Manchester and Leeds. The second Claimant is the Secretary of State for Transport.

2. There are two types of Defendant. Persons Unknown (PUs) and named Defendants. The 6 th Defendant (D6) attended the hearing. Many of the other named Defendants have been removed as parties to the proceedings as the claim has progressed. Most have been removed because they provided undertakings in similar format to the prohibitory interim injunctions granted to the Claimants. Some have been found in contempt of the CPL (Cotter J.) injunction and imprisoned. For the hearing I was provided with hard copy and digital bundles, beautifully prepared as follows: core bundles: A and B; supplementary bundles: A, B1 and 2, C; authorities bundles: main and supplementary. I was also provided with a skeleton argument by the Claimants and by D6 and a “Written Reasons” from D6 to amend the draft Order proposed by the Claimants. This was a review hearing of a routewide interim injunction granted to prohibit unlawful interference by known Defendants and PUs with the work being carried out by the Claimants to build the HS2 railway from London to Manchester and Leeds on land in HS2 possession. To understand the project as it stood when the claim was issued, it may help to see a simple map of it provided in evidence by the Claimants, which I set out below. There are three parts. Phase 1 is from London to the West Midlands and is shown in blue. Phase 2A was from West Midlands to Crewe and is shown in purple. Phase 2B is in orange, which takes the Western line from Crewe to Manchester and the Eastern line from West Midlands to Leeds. I shall refer to these phases both by colour and by the phase numbers. Bundles 3. The hearing 4.



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