BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

HS2 Ltd & SSfT v Persons Unknown & Ors

Approved Judgment:

the Defendants’ responses was appended to the judgment. Some Defendants had put in defences; others had emailed or put in responses, submissions or witness statements.

12. D6 appealed the judgment of Knowles J. but permission was refused on 9.12.2022 by Coulson LJ.

13. The routewide interim injunction made by Julian Knowles J. in September 2022 was extended by me in May 2023 for another year. In para. 16 of that order and Schedule D to that order I made provision for any Defendant to apply to bring the proceedings to a final trial. This provided PUs and all named Defendants with the right to end being a party to the proceedings by that route. It provided each with the right to force the Claimants to prove their allegations on the balance of probabilities at trial, under cross- examination and after disclosure of relevant evidence and documentation. No Defendant has done so. Provisions were made for review of the interim injunction by May this year. 14. The Cotter J. version of the CPL interim injunction was breached by various Defendants back in 2022, who stayed at CPL despite the prohibitions therein. Committal proceedings were commenced and heard by me in July and September 2022. Two protestors who had been occupying CPL in treehouses gave undertakings and walked free: D62, (Leanne Swateridge, aka Flowery Zebra) and D31, (Rory Hooper). Five Defendants who had occupied tunnels were sentenced to imprisonment for contempt of Court, two of the sentences were suspended: D18, (William Harewood, aka Satchel/Satchel Baggins); D33 (Elliot Cuciurean, aka Jellytot); D61 (David Buchan, aka David Holliday); D64 (Stefan Wright); D65 (Liam Walters). One of these (Wright) never attended and is still at large. Pursuant to the order I made in May 2023 the Claimants have faithfully applied for review of the interim injunction. By a notice of application dated 1.3.2024 they seek a 12 month extension of the routewide interim injunction, redefinition of the HS2 land plans; permission to update the definition of HS2 land and an extension of the prohibited acts to cover drone flying over their works on HS2 land. 16. The evidence in support of the application is set out in the following witness statements: James Dobson dated 28.2.2024; John Groves dated 28.2.2024; Julie Dilcock dated 28.2.2024 and Robert Shaw dated 27.2.2024. The applications 15. 17. The opposition to the application comes only from D6. Interestingly, now he submits that the Claimants should be required to progress the claim to a final hearing against all other Defendants, having submitted to Knowles J. that a final injunction should not be granted at that hearing. He wishes to be released from the claim himself. His counsel informed me at the hearing that he is crowd funded, that explains why he attends so



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