BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

HS2 Ltd & SSfT v Persons Unknown & Ors

Approved Judgment:

torts claimed in the particulars of claim (as re-amended) and (b) clearly defined geographical boundaries. Subject to the purple land being excluded from the extended interim injunction this requirement is satisfied.

The terms of the injunction

48. In my judgment, the prohibitions remain set out in clear words and are not framed in legal technical terms. Further, they do not seek to prohibit conduct which viewed on its own is lawful. In my judgment they should be extended to cover drone flying which is likely to interfere with any construction work or operations carried out by the first Claimant and is dangerously close to such works.

The prohibitions must match the claim

49. In my judgment the prohibitions in the extended injunction mirror the torts claimed (or feared) in the re-amended particulars of claim. The pleading will need re amendment to cover drones.

Geographic boundaries

50. The prohibitions in the injunctions to be extended are defined by clear geographic boundaries, but shall be altered to cover only the phase 1 blue land, not the phase 2 purple land.

Temporal limits - duration

51. The duration of the injunction is to be extended by 12 months. In the light of the continued HS2 construction of phase 1, I am satisfied that it is proven to be compellingly necessary to protect the Claimants’ legal rights in the light of the evidence of past hugely extensive tortious activity and the future feared (quia timet) tortious activity for the HS2 construction work on phase 1.


52. Because PUs are, by their nature, not identified, the proceedings, the evidence, this judgment and the order will be served by the alternative means which have been previously considered and sanctioned by this Court. I consider that under the Human Rights Act 1998 S.12(2), the Claimants have previously shown that they have taken all practicable steps to notify the Defendants.

The right to set aside or vary

53. The PUs are given the right to apply to set aside or vary the injunction on shortish notice by the existing interim injunction and this will continue.


54. In the extended order I shall make provision for reviewing the injunction in the future. The regularity of the reviews depends on the circumstances and I consider that 12 months is the right length of time.



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