BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

Valero Energy Ltd & ORS v Persons Unknown & ORS

Approved Judgment:

Mr Justice Ritchie: The Parties 1.

The Claimants are three companies who are part of a large petrochemical group called the Valero Group and own or have a right to possession of the 8 Sites defined out below.


The “4 Organisations” relevant to this judgment are: 2.1 Just Stop Oil. 2.2 Extinction Rebellion. 2.3 Insulate Britain. 2.4 Youth Climate Swarm.

I have been provided with a little information about the persons who set up and run some of these 4 Organisations. They appear to be crowdfunded partly by donations. A man called Richard Hallam appears to be a co-founder of 3 of them.

3. The Defendants are firstly, persons unknown (PUs) connected with 4 Organisations who trespass or stay on the 8 Sites defined below. Secondly, they are PUs who block access to the 8 Sites defined below or otherwise interfere with the access to the 8 Sites by the Claimants, their servants, agents, licensees or invitees. Thirdly, they are named persons who have been involved in suspected tortious behaviour or whom the Claimants fear will be involved in tortious behaviour at the 8 Sites and the relevant access roads. The “8 Sites” are: 4.1 the first Claimant’s Pembroke oil refinery, Angle, Pembroke SA71 5SJ (shown outlined red on plan A in Schedule 1 to the Order made by Bourne J on 28.7.2023); 4.2 the first Claimant’s Pembroke oil refinery jetties at Angle, Pembroke SA71 5SJ (as shown outlined red on plan B in Schedule 1 to the Order made by Bourne J on 28.7.2023); The 8 Sites 4. 4.3 the second Claimant’s Manchester oil terminal at Churchill Way, Trafford P ark, Manchester M17 1BS (shown outlined red on plan C in Schedule 1 to the Order made by Bourne J on 28.7.2023); 4.4 the second Claimant’s Kingsbury oil terminal at plot B, Trinity Road, Kingsbury, Tamworth B78 2EJ (shown outlined red on plan D in Schedule 1 to the Order made by Bourne J on 28.7.2023); 4.5 the second Claimant’s Plymouth oil terminal at Oakfield Terrace Road, Cattedown, Plymouth PL4 0RY (shown outlined red on plan E in Schedule 1 to the Order made by Bourne J on 28.7.2023); 4.6 the second Claimant’s Cardiff oil terminal at Roath Dock, Rover Way, Cardiff CF10 4US (shown outlined red on plan F in Schedule 1 to the Order made by Bourne J on 28.7.2023);



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