BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

6 18. On the 28th of July 2023, before Bourne J., the Claimants agreed not to pursue contempt applications for breaches of the orders of Mr Justice Butcher and Mr Justice Bennathan for any activities before the date of the hearing. Present at that hearing were counsel for Defendants 31 and 53. Directions were given permitting a redefinition of “Unknown 67 16. The Chief Constables duly obliged and on the 20th of September 2022 Mr Justice Cotter added named Defendants to the proceedings, extended the term of the interim injunction, provided retrospective permission for service and gave directions allowing variation or discharge of the injunction on application by any Defendant. Unknown persons who wished to apply were required to self-name and provide an address for service (none ever did). Then, on the 16th of December 2022 Mr Justice Cotter gave further retrospective permission for service of various documents. On the 20th of January 2023 Mr Justice Soole reviewed the interim injunction, gave permission for retrospective service of various documents and replaced the interim injunction with a similar further interim injunction. Alternative service was again permitted in a similar fashion by: (1) publication on a specified website, (2) e-mail to the 4 Organisations, (3) personal service on the named Defendants where that was possible because they had provided addresses. At that time no acknowledgement of service or defence from any Defendant was required. 17. In April 2023 the Claimants changed their solicitors and in June 2023 Master Cook gave prospective alternative service directions for future service of all Court documents by: (1) publication on the named website, (2) e-mail to the 4 Organisations, (3) fixing a notification to signs at the front entrances and the access roads of the 8 Sites. Normal service applied for the named Defendants who had provided addresses. 14. Despite the interim injunction, between the 1st and the 7th of April 2022 protesters attended at the Claimants’ Kingsbury site and 48 were arrested. Between the 9th and 15th of April 2022 further protesters attended at the Kingsbury site and 38 were arrested. No application to commit any person to prison for contempt was made. The protests were not just at the Claimants’ parts of the Kingsbury site. They targeted other owners’ sites there too. 15. On the return date, the original interim injunction was replaced by an Order dated 11th of April 2022 made by Bennathan J. which was in similar terms and provided for alternative service in a similar way and gave directions for varying or discharging the interim injunction on the application by any unknown person who was required provide their name and address if they wished to do so (none ever did). Geographical plans were attached to the original injunction and the replacement injunction setting out clearly which access roads were covered and delineating each of the 8 Sites. Undertakings were given by the Claimants and directions were given for various Chief Constables to disclose lists and names of persons arrested at the 8 Sites on dates up to the 1st of June 2022.

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