BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

2022 Just Stop Oil tweeted that they would escalate their legal disruption. Mr. Blackhouse then summarised what appeared to be statements by Extinction Rebellion withdrawing from more direct action. However Just Stop Oil continued to publish in late 2022 that they would not be intimidated by private injunctions. Mr Blackhouse researched the mission statements of Insulate Britain which contained the assertion that their continued intention included a campaign of civil resistance, but they only had the next two to three years to sort it out and their next campaign had to be more ambitious. Whilst not disclosing the contents of the briefings received from the police it was clear that Mr. Blackhouse asserted, in summary, that the police warned that Just Stop Oil intended to have a high tempo civil resistance campaign which would continue to involve obstruction, tunnelling, lock one and at height protests at petrochemical facilities.

29. In his 4 th witness statement Mr Blackhouse set out a summary of the direct actions suffered by the Claimants as follows (“The Refinery” means Pembroke Oil refinery):

“ September 2019 6.5 The Refinery was the target of protest activity in 2019, albeit this was on a smaller scale to that which took place in 2022 at the Kingsbury Terminal. The activity at the Refinery involved the blocking of access roads whereby the protestors used concrete “Lock Ons” i.e. the protestors locked arms, within the concrete blocks placed on the road, whilst sitting on the road to prevent removal. Although it was a non- violent protest it did impact upon employees at the Refinery who were prevented from attending and leaving work. Day to day operations and deliveries were negatively impacted as a result. 6.6… Friday 1st April 2022 Protestors obstructed the crossroads junction of Trinity Road, Piccadilly Way, and the entrance to the private access road by sitting in the road. They also climbed onto two stationary road tanker wagons on Piccadilly Way, about thirty metres from the same junction, preventing the vehicles from moving, causing a partial obstruction of the road in the direction of the terminal. They also climbed onto one road tanker wagon that had stopped on Trinity Road on the approach to the private access road to the terminal. Fuel supplies from the Valero terminal were seriously disrupted due to the continued obstruction of the highway and the entrance to the private access road throughout the day. Valero staff had to stop the movement of road tanker wagons to or from the site between the hours of 07:40 hrs and 20:30 hrs. My understanding is that up to twenty two persons were arrested by the Police before Valero were able to receive road tanker traffic and resume normal supplies of fuel. Sunday 3rd April 2022



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