BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

6.6.1 Protestors obstructed the same entrance point to the private shared access road leading from Trinity Road. The obstructions started at around 02:00 hrs and continued until 17:27 hrs. There was reduced access for road tankers whilst Police completed the removal and arrest of the protestors. Tuesday 5th April 2022 6.6.2 Disruption started at 04:49 hrs. Approximately twenty protestors blocked the same entrance point to the private shared access road from Trinity Road. They were reported to have used adhesive to glue themselves to the road surface or used equipment to lock themselves together. Police attended and I understand that eight persons were arrested. Road tanker movements at Valero were halted between 04:49

hrs and 10:50 hrs that day. Thursday 7th April 2022

6.6.3 This was a day of major disruption. At around 00:30 hrs the Valero Terminal Operator initiated an Emergency Shut Down having identified intruders on CCTV within the perimeter of the site. Five video files have been downloaded from the CCTV system showing a group of about fifteen trespassers approaching the rear of the Kingsbury Terminal across the railway lines. The majority appear to climb over the palisade fencing into the Kingsbury Terminal whilst several others appear to have gained access by cutting mesh fencing on the border with WOSL. There is then footage of protestors in different areas of the site including footage at 00:43 hrs of one intruder walking across the loading bay holding up what appears to be a mobile phone in front of him, clearly contravening site safety rules. He then climbed onto a stationary road tanker on the loading bay. There is clear footage of several others sitting in an elevated position in the pipe rack adjacent to the loading bay. I am also aware that Valero staff reported that two persons climbed the staircase to sit on top of one of the gas oil storage tanks and four others were found having climbed the staircase to sit on the roof of a gasoline storage tank. Police attended and spent much of the day removing protestors from the site enabling it to reopen at 18:00 hrs. There is CCTV footage of one or more persons being removed from top of the stationary road tanker wagon on the loading bays. 6.6.4 The shutdown of more than seventeen hours caused major disruption to road tanker movements that day as customers were unable to access the site. Saturday 9th April 2022 6.6.5 Protest activity occurred involving several persons around the entrance to the private access road. I believe that Police made three arrests and there was little or no disruption to road tanker movements. Sunday 10th April 2022



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