BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

6.6.6 A caravan was left parked on the side of the road on Piccadilly way, between the roundabout junction with the A51 and the entrance to the Shell fuel terminal. Police detained a small group of protestors with the caravan including one who remained within a tunnel that had been excavated under the road. It appeared to be an attempt to cause a closure of one of the two routes leading to the oil terminals. 6.6.7 By 16:00 hrs police responded to two road tankers that were stranded on Trinity Road, approximately 900 metres north of the entrance to the private access road. Protestors had climbed onto the tankers preventing them from being driven any further, causing an obstruction on the second access route into the oil terminals. 6.6.8 The Police managed to remove the protestors on top of the road tankers but 18:00 hrs and I understand that the individual within the tunnel on Piccadilly Way was removed shortly after. 6.6.9 I understand that the Police made twenty-two arrests on the approach roads to the fuel terminals throughout the day. The road tanker wagons still managed to enter and leave the Valero site during the day taking whichever route was open at the time. This inevitably meant that some vehicles could not take their preferred route but could at least collect fuel as required. I was subsequently informed that a structural survey was quickly completed on the road tunnel and deemed safe to backfill without the need for further road closure. Friday 15th April 2022 6.6.10 This was another day of major disruption. At 04:25 hrs the Valero operator initiated an emergency shutdown. The events were captured on seventeen video files recording imagery from two CCTV cameras within the site between 04:20 hrs and 15:45 hrs that day. 6.6.11 At 04:25 a group of about ten protestors approached the emergency access gate which is located on the northern corner of the site, opening out onto Trinity Road, 600 metres north of the entrance to the shared private access road. They were all on foot and could be seen carrying ladders. Two ladders were used to climb up the outside of the emergency gate and then another two ladders were passed over to provide a means of climbing down inside the Valero site. Seven persons managed to climb over before a police vehicle pulled up alongside the gate. The seven then dispersed into the Kingsbury Terminal. 6.6.12 The video footage captures the group of four males and three females sitting for several hours on the pipe rack, with two of them (one male and one female) making their way up onto the roof of the loading bay area nearby. The two on the roof sat closely together whilst the male undressed and sat naked for a considerable time sunbathing. The video footage concludes with footage of Police and the Fire and Rescue service working together to remove the two individuals.



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