BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

6.6.13 The Valero terminal remained closed between 04:30 hrs and 16:00 hrs that day causing major disruption to fuel collections. The protestors breached the site’s safety rules and the emergency services needed to use a ‘Cherry Picker’ (hydraulic platform) during their removal. There were also concerns that the roof panels would not withstand the weight of the two persons sitting on it. 6.6.14 I understand that Police made thirteen arrests in or around Valero and the other fuel terminals that day and had to request ‘mutual aid’ from neighbouring police forces. Tuesday 26th April 2022 6.6.15 I was informed that approximately twelve protestors arrived outside the Kingsbury Terminal at about 07:30 hrs, increasing to about twenty by 09:30 hrs. Initially they engaged in a peaceful non obstructive protest but by 10:00 hrs had blocked the entrance to the private access road by sitting across it. Police then made a number of arrests and the obstructions were cleared by 10:40 hrs. On this occasion there was minimal disruption to the Valero site. Wednesday 27th April 2022 6.6.16 At about 16:00 hrs a group of about ten protestors were arrested whilst attempting to block the entrance to the shared private access road. Thursday 28th April 2022 6.6.17 At about 12:40 hrs a similar protest took place involving a group of about eight persons attempting to block the entrance to the shared private access road. The police arrested them and opened the access by 13:10 hrs. Wednesday 4th May 2022 6.6.18 At about 13:30 hrs twelve protestors assembled at the entrance to the shared private access road without incident. I was informed that by 15:49 hrs Police had arrested ten individuals who had attempted to block the access. Thursday 12th May 2022 6.6.19 At 13:30 hrs eight persons peacefully protested at the entrance to the private access road. By 14:20 hrs the numbers increased to eleven. The activity continued until 20:15 hrs by which time Police made several arrests of persons causing obstructions. I have retained images of the obstructions that were taken during the protest. Monday 22nd August 2022 6.6.20 Contractors clearing undergrowth alerted Police to suspicious activity involving three persons who were on land between Trinity Road and the railway tracks which lead to the rear of the Valero and WOSL terminals. The location is about 1.5 km from the entrance to the shared private access road to the Kingsbury Terminal. A police dog handler attended and arrested two of the persons with the third making



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