BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

34. Overall Mr. Blackhouse asserted that the deterrent effect of the injunctions granted has diminished the protest activity at the 8 Sites but warned that it was clear that at least some of the 4 Organisations maintained an ongoing campaign of protest activity throughout the UK. He asserted it was critical that the injunctive relief remained in place for the protection of the Claimants’ employees, visitors to the sites, the public in surrounding areas and the protesters themselves. 35. David McLoughlin. Mr McLoughlin is a director employed by the Valero group responsible for pipeline and terminals. His responsibilities include directing operations and logistics across all of the 8 Sites. 36. He warned the Court that blocking access to the 8 Sites would have potentially very serious health and safety and environmental consequences and would cause significant business disruption. He described how under the Control of Major Accidents Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances Regulations 2015 the 8 Sites are categorised according to the risks they present which relate directly to the quantity of dangerous substances held on each site. Heavy responsibilities are placed upon the Claimants to manage their activities in a way so as to minimise the risk to employees, visitors and the general public and to prevent major accidents. The Claimants are required to carry out health and safety executive guided risk assessments which involve ensuring emergency services can quickly access the 8 Sites and to ensure appropriate manning. He warned that there were known safety risks of causing fires and explosions from lighters, mobile phones, key fobs and acrylic clothing. The risks are higher around the storage tanks and loading gantries which seemed to be favoured by protestors. He warned that the Plymouth and Manchester sites were within easy reach of large populations which created a risk to the public. He warned that blocking access roads to the 8 Sites would give rise to a potential risk of breaching the 2015 Regulations which would be both dangerous and a criminal offence. Additionally blocking access would lead to a build-up of tankers containing fuel which themselves posed a risk. He warned of the potential knock-on effects of an access road blockade on the supply chain for in excess of 700 filling stations and to the inward supply chain from tankers. He warned of the 1-2 day filling station tank capacity which needed constant and regular supply from the Claimants’ sites. He also warned about the disruption to commercial contracts which would be caused by disruption to the 8 Sites. He set out details of the various sites and their access roads. He referred to the July 2022 protest at the Plymouth terminal site and pointed out the deterrent effect of the injunction, which was in place at that time, had been real and had reduced the risk. 37. Emma Pinkerton. Miss Pinkerton has provided 5 witness statements in these proceedings, the last one dated December 2023. She is a partner at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP.



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