BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

2023 protests took place in Canary Wharf targeting financial businesses allegedly supporting fossil fuels and insurance companies in the City of London. On the 30th of October 2023 60 protesters were arrested for slow marching outside Parliament. On the 10th of November 2023 protesters connected with Extinction Rebellion occupied the offices of the Daily Telegraph. On the 12th of November 2023 protesters connected with Just Stop Oil marched in Holloway Road in London. On the 13th of November 2023 protesters connected with Just Stop Oil marched from Hendon Way leading to a number of arrests. On the 14th of November 2023 protesters connected with Just Stop Oil marched from Kennington Park Rd. On the same day the Metropolitan Police warned that the costs of policing such daily marches was becoming unsustainable to the public purse. On the 15th of November 2023 protesters connected with Just Stop Oil marched down the Cromwell Road and 66 were arrested. On the 18th of November 2023 protestors connected with Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion protested outside the headquarters of Shell in London and some arrests were made. On the 20th of November 2023 protesters connected with Just Stop Oil gathered in Trafalgar Square and started to march and some arrests were made. On the 30th of November 2023 protesters connected with Just Stop Oil gathered in Kensington in London and 16 were arrested. 41. Miss Pinkerton extracted some quotes from the Just Stop Oil press releases including assertions that their campaign would be “ indefinite ” until the Government agreed to stop new fossil fuel projects in the UK and mentioning their supporters storming the pitch at Twickenham during the Gallagher Premiership Rugby final. Further press releases in June and July 2023 encouraging civil resistance against oil, gas and coal were published. In an open letter to the police unions dated 13th September 2023 Just Stop Oil stated they would be back on the streets from October the 29th for a resumption after their 13 week campaign between April and July 2023 which they asserted had already cost the Metropolitan Police more than £7.7 million and required the equivalent of an extra 23,500 officer shifts. 42. Miss Pinkerton also examined the Extinction Rebellion press statements which included advice to members of the public to picket, organise locally, disobey and asserted that civil disobedience works. On the 30th of October 2023 a spokesperson for Just Stop Oil told the Guardian newspaper that the organisation supporters were willing to slow march to the point of arrest every day until the police took action to prosecute the real criminals who were facilitating new oil and gas extraction. 43. Miss Pinkerton summarised the various applications for injunctions made by Esso Oil, Stanlow Terminals Limited, Infranorth Limited, North Warwickshire Borough Council, Esso Petroleum, Exxon Mobile Chemical Limited, Thurrock Council, Essex Council, Shell International, Shell UK, UK Oil Pipelines, West London Pipeline and Storage, Exolum Pipeline Systems, Exolum Storage, Exolum Seal Sands and Navigator Terminals.



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