BL-2023-000713 - Draft Authorities Bundle

72. The prohibitions in the injunction are set out in clear words and the order avoids using legal technical terms. Further, in so far as the prohibitions affect public highways, they do not prohibit any conduct which is lawful viewed on its own save to the extent that such is necessary and proportionate. I am satisfied that there is no other more proportionate way of protecting the Claimants’ rights or those of their staff, invitees and suppliers.

The prohibitions must match the claim

73. The prohibitions in the final injunction do mirror the torts feared in the Claim Form.

Geographic boundaries

74. The prohibitions in the final injunction are defined by clear geographic boundaries which in my judgment are reasonable.

Temporal limits - duration

75. I have carefully considered whether 5 years is an appropriate duration for this quasi- final injunction. The undertakings expire in August 2026 and I have thought carefully about whether the injunction should match that duration. However, in the light of the threats of some of the 4 Organisations on the longevity of their campaigns and the continued actions elsewhere in the UK, the express aim of causing financial waste to the police force and the Claimants and the total lack of engagement in dialogue with the Claimants throughout the proceedings, I do not consider it reasonable to put the Claimants to the further expense of re-issuing for a further injunction in 2 years 7 months' time. I have seen no evidence suggesting that those connected with the 4 organisations will abandon or tire of their desire for direct tortious action causing disruption, danger and economic damage with a view to forcing Government to cease or prevent oil exploration and extraction.


76. I find that the summary judgment application, evidence in support and draft order were served by alternative means in accordance with the previous Orders made by the Court.

The right to set aside or vary

77. The final injunction gives the PUs the right to apply to set aside or vary the final injunction on short notice.


78. Provision has been made in the quasi-final injunction for review annually in future. In the circumstances of this case I consider that to be a reasonable period.

Conclusions 79. I grant the quasi-final injunction sought by the Claimants for the reasons set out above.



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