Fractalisoneofthem ostprom inentprovidersof ArtificialInteligenceto Fortune500®com panies. Fractal’svision isto powereveryhum an decision in theenterprise,and bring AI,engineering,and design tohelp theworld’sm ostadm ired com panies. Fractal’sbusinessesinclude CruxInteligence (AIdriven businessinteligence),, growth m anagem ent) and custom erservice). Fractalincubated,a leading playerin healthcare AIfordetecting Tuberculosisand Lung cancer. Fractalcurentlyhas4000+ em ployeesacross16 globallocations,including the United States,UK,Ukraine,India,Singapore,and Australia.Fractalhasbeen recognized as‘GreatW orkplace’and ‘India’sBestW orkplacesforW om en’ in the top 100 (large)categorybyThe GreatPlace to W ork®Institute; featured asa leaderin Custom erAnalyticsService ProvidersW ave™ 2021, Com puterVision ConsultanciesW ave™ 2020 & Specialized InsightsService ProvidersW ave™ 2020 byForesterResearch Inc.,a leaderin Analytics& AIServicesSpecialistsPeakMatrix2022byEverestGroup and recognized asan & ‘HonorableVendor’in 2022MagicQuadrant™ fordata & analyticsbyGartnerInc.Form ore inform ation,
CorporateHeadquarters Suite 76J, OneW orld TradeCenter, New York,NY10007
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