#CurrBooks A-Z summary - low res


Mummies Unwrapped by Tom Froese Atlas of Adventures: Wonders of the World by The Legend of Tutankhamun by Ben Handicott & Lucy Letherland Eyewitness: Ancient Egypt The British Museum: Ancient Egypt Pop-Up Book by James Putnam Hide and Seek History: The Egyptians by Jonny Mark & Chaaya Prabhat Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx by Joe Todd-Stanton Pharaoh’s Fate by C Cautier, S Vernet & M Carpentier Egyptology by Dugald Steer River Stories by Timothy Knapman, Ashling Lindsay & Irene Montano The Humans by Jonny Marx & Charlie Davis (would fit in other ancient civilisations) Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble by Judy Schachner The Little Hippo by Anja Klauss & Geraldine Elschner Egypt: Spectacular Cross-Section by Stephen Biesty The Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo & Ruth Heller You Wouldn’t Want to be Cleopatra by Jim Pipe & David Antram We’re Sailing Down the Nile by Laurie Krebs and Anne Wilson Ancient Wonders by Iris Volant & Avalon Nuovo The Story of Tutankhamun by Patricia Cleveland-Peck & Isabel Greenberg The Seeker of Knowledge by James Bumford Meet the Ancient Egyptians by James Davies

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