BUILDING CORE STRENGTH IMPROVES NECK & BACK PAIN Youmaybesurprisedhow frequently issueswith theneckandbackactually stem from issues with core strength. Your core refers to the muscles that make up your torso, including your abdomen. These muscles are called the core because they are at the center of your body, and they are necessary in just about every action that you engage in. Everything fromwalking, running and swimming to sitting and driving require you to engage your core.
There are a lot of reasons to improve core strength outside of any existing neckorbackpain.Whenyou improveyourcore,youare likely toalso improve your posture and thereby reduce your risk of developing further back pain in the future.Furthermore, theexercises thathelp to improvecorestrengthare often helpful in promoting weight loss, and for those who are overweight, this could also help reduce pain in the neck and the back. Sometimes, when your core is weak, it can cause you to experience added pressure on areas like your neck and back. There are a lot of ways that working with a physical therapist can help you improve your core strength. You may be encouraged to practice core exercises, for example, which may include abdominal crunches or leg lifts. Light weight-training activities are also frequently helpful, as are balance-based activities like yoga. If you haven’t spent much time building core strength in the past, then working with a physical therapist is a great place to start. Your physical therapist will guide you through proper postures and movements to reduce further risk of injury. For more information about how to start improving your core, contact us. For more information about physical therapy for overcoming neck and back pain, contact us today.
Staff Spotlight: Leslie Cagel
“I love using physical therapy to help people return to maximal function and get them back to doing what makes them happy. What I like most about what I do is that I get to work with people one-on-one, find out what’s most important to them, and really see them progress through their rehabilitation. Our profession is unique because we’re the movement specialists and we can often be the alternative to drugs and surgery.” DPT: University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT BS: Nutrition and Exercise Science, Queens College at the City University of New York, Queens, NY Member: American Physical Therapy Association, Utah Physical Therapy Association Leslie is grateful to have a career that makes her happy every day. She has a special interest in women’s health, athletic populations, and general orthopedic physical therapy. She is also a lifelong student who reads up on the latest research and takes continuing education classes to enhance her skills and knowledge, ensuring her patients get the best care. When she’s not helping her clients, Leslie loves to ski, hike, travel, cook, and eat—usually with her husband.
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