Conclusion: Drivers for high-performance tech teams
Investing and experimenting with future-focused tech challenges (e.g., Blockchain, responsible AI, privacy, etc.) Highlighting brand value of disruptive, tech-forward, and cutting-edge enterprises Emerging Tech Readiness
Empower with Pride
Diversity, which helps instill pride (Gender, skill sets, culture, identity) Inculcate a sense of belonging, fairness, and psychological well-being Trusting employees with responsibility to help develop can-do attitudes and high self-esteem
Approaching complex problems as an opportunity to learn in various new ways Instilling the belief that anything can be learned, and that intelligence is dynamic Making it clear that deep expertise is not a prerequisite for experimentation Reward Growth Mindset
Clear Structures, No Boundaries
Removing boundaries, hierarchies, and designations in project thinking and execution Fostering a shared identity of individuals in the group across levels
Personal values and priorities, in brand values and organizational policies (e.g., mental health, sustainability, inclusion) Vibrant and distinct digital/social media presence of the organization Align Brand Values
Curated dynamism in work (gaming analogy, reinterpreting work as play to strike the right balance between challenges and growth) Relevance – Connecting employee roles and work to the core of the business Transparency – Visibility into (different) career trajectories in the organization Adaptive Work Culture
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