Award Criteria In all cases with respect to the selection of a vendor for identical or equivalent products or services, award shall be made on the basis of the lowest responsible and responsive bid or quote received. In the case of an RFP, award shall be based on a competitive negotiation with one or more vendors deemed to have satisfied the mandatory qualifications and requirements specified in the RFP and which, in the sole discretion of the College, demonstrate the ability to timely and satisfactorily perform the scope of work described in the RFP. Exceptions to Invitation to Bid (ITB) Requirements Requirements for bidding as set forth in Section 8.3 above may be waived if any of the following are applicable. The Vice President of Finance is delegated signature authority for waiving the requirement for competition in the following cases: 8.7.1 Emergency or Unusual Circumstances Competitive bidding may be waived in the event that an unforeseen emergency or condition creates an immediate threat to public safety or threatens to cause substantial property or economic damage or monetary loss to the College if not promptly addressed or corrected. 8.7.2 Sole Source Purchases Competitive bidding may be waived where prior experience and investigation reasonably convince the Purchasing Department that there is only one vendor who can meet the requirement of the college or that formal bidding procedures will not result in any competitive bids being submitted for the product or service being sought. Patented or copyrighted products are considered to be sole source items. 8.7.3 Use of External Contracts - Piggybacking The College may “piggyback” off of group purchasing contracts awarded by any other governmental agency or consortium when deemed to be beneficial to the College, including but not limited to contracts awarded by or through the following agencies and entities: United States General Services Administration (GSA), Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of General Services Administration (DGS & COSTARS), County of Allegheny, Educational and Institutional Cooperative Services (E & I), U.S. Communities, and Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN).
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