University of Suffolk - Director of Estates


The University aims to be a beacon of excellence attracting students from Suffolk and beyond, helping to reverse the net export of graduates and the low post-16 education participation rate, which has adversely affected Suffolk for many years. Widening participation continues to be central to the mission of the University, and the profile of its student population reflects this. We have a high proportion of students from under-represented groups, and there is a broad mix of students across the undergraduate student body. We are pleased with the progress being made against the ambitious targets set for student access, success and progression. The University’s performance in access of POLAR4 Quintile 1 students is very good, reflecting our commitment to and achievements in widening participation. The proportion of 18 year olds and all full-time students at the University is higher than the proportion across the sector. The student body is diverse and inclusive with 16.67% studying part- time and 57.57% classed as mature (over 21) in 2019/20. 14.87% of students in 2019/20 were from an ethnic origin that is not White or White British/Irish/Scottish/Welsh. In 2019/20, 21.09% of our students disclosed a disability and 8.39% were in receipt of the Disabled Students Allowance.


Director of Estates

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